
Abraham began to finish the dishes. He look over at her and smiled. He was happy to see them.

Fredan was happy. " Momma?" Amber looked at him " Yes dear?" " When are you and father gonna get-" he stopped when Humphrey glared at him " Dont even ask"

Abraham said "but I want to know what he was going to ask." He look at them and smiled as he was hoping to know what Fredan was going to ask.

Fredan glared at his twin " I was going to ask, before this werewolf interupted me, if you and momma were gonna get married" Amber chuckled " My dear Fredan.. not for two yars."

Abraham said "unfortunately not for two years." He began to walk outside to see if he could see where the noise that he was hearing. He was looking around outside the house to only see a bird.

Fredan " thats why they call it being adopted, Fredan" Humphrey said walking to Amber and held her hand " Humpthret, ne nice to your twin" Amber said scoldingly ' Now come on, lets get out into the sun. You ready, My King?"

Abraham said "yes. I'm ready my Queen." He was not showing what he was feeling as he was waiting for his family. Abraham look at them and gave a small smile before not smiled at all. He was waiting.

" Come on boys" Amber said looking at them. The boys stopped glaring at each other and walked to the door. " Alright, come on.. reserve me go. We might see the Ranger on the way over there."

Abraham was not saying anything as he was by Amber. He was calm as he was waiting for the kids. Abraham ask "What should we do after our walk?" He look at Amber and waited for her answer. Abraham was happy to be walking with his family. But he was still unsure of everything.

" Im not sure" Amber said as the walked in the reserve. " Whatever you want"