
The park ranger nodded and said "He will go to a pen that we have." He left and took Fraden a pen. He put Fraden in the pen that had something that was put there to protect anyone who goes near it. The park ranger said "You are worst that any other shifter kid that I had met." He put a lock on the pen. Abraham stayed by Amber and he look at her. He began to clean her wound. He gently put his hand over her wound almost like he was trying to heal her.

"Abraham, grab a wet hand towel for me" Amber said wincing. But she kept talking " I dont know why I started yelling at him. I just wanted him to understand that training to shift was ore inmortant than talking." she eyed Abraham when he came back and stayed still. " I know he is young and able to attack. But Iw asnt expecting him to lunge at my like that." She didnt know when she would be able to see Fredan again. She just knew that Humphrey was the only one who stayed calm throughtout the attack. He was in a way, protective of his mother. " Did you see how protective Humphrey was of me when Fredan got closer? " she said with a smile.

Abraham listened to her. He said "I think Humphrey was showing that he was going to keep you safe." Humphrey went to them and said "Mommy." He went to Amber and stayed by her. Abraham said "Yes Humphrey. That is your mother." Humphrey was careful and he gave her a hug. Abraham began to heal her wound and said "There you go. Your wound is healed." He look at her as he kiss her cheek. Humphrey look at them and felt protective of them.

" Thank you, my King" Amber said rubbing her arm where the cut used to be " im sorry you had to see that, Humphrey. And thank you for protecting me. I appreciate that." She hugged him gently " And im thankful to you too, Abraham for standing in front of me in case her attacked again." she slowly stood up and and hugged him with a kiss. Edited at September 19, 2021 05:15 PM by LunarOrbitPack

Humphrey said "Had to protect mommy." He was thankful that she was ok. Abraham hugged her and kiss her back. He said "That was the first time that my jaguar side grow." He look at her and smiled. Abraham began feel protective of her again. Abraham ask "Do you want to lay down tonight and we can lay by each other." He look at her again. He pick her up and kept her in his arms.

" I am kinda tired. Could use some food too. Whould you get me some of the fish in the fridge, Humphrey?" Amber said falling asleep in his arms. Her hand on Humpphreys shoulder. Her breathing was rapid, but would calm down in the next few hours. She was worried about Fredan, but she would let him calm down before seeing him again.

Humphrey went to get some fish. Abraham went and laid her down on the bed that he had made. Abraham laid down by her and stayed by her side. Humphrey went to them with the fish and put the fish on a plate on the nightstand. He was worried about Amber as she was his mother. He grab a blanket that Abraham had made him. Humphrey put the blanket over Amber and went to wait.

Amber didnt wake til later that night. The fight with Fredan tired her out. SHe dreamed of him and something like another fight came to her that made her wake up screaming and sweating. " " Fredan, No!" she said openeing her eyes and relizied a blanket was on her and Abraham was right beside her for warmth. " My King." she said looking at him. She smelled the fish and asked Humphrey to bring it to her. " Thank you, dear"

Abraham woke up and look at her. He look at her and said "Its ok." He sat up and yawned. Humphrey said "Welcome mom." He look at her and waited to see if he could have a hug. Humphrey ask "Are you ok Mom?" He was worried about her. Abraham said "We pormise to keep you safe My Queen." He kiss her hand and look at her. Abraham carefully pick Humphrey up and place him on the bed. Humphrey was surprised by this.

" Yes Humphrey, mommy is fine. Just a bad dream about Fredan is all." she gave him a gently loveing hug before he was put on the bed " just shaken up is all." she took a breath as she put the plate on her lap and ate what she could. " I know you will." she said gently.