
Albie said "I am not sure how I can help with this. But lets go to Abraham and see if he wants to talk to anyone. Alexandra said that Abraham was distancing himself from everyone and well I am not sure how he is going to react." Abraham began to eat the fish as he was thinking that he was going to have vistiors so he was going to stay hidden from everyone. Abraham felt sad again but he understood that Fredan needed Amber but he was always getting forgetten about. Abraham felt hurt by this.

Amber stayed behind Albie when they arrived at the den. She would come out when she needed to. And when she did, she had tears in her eyes. " my King.. I... I never wanted this to happen. To us. To our family. Forgive me. I shouldnt have spent so much time with Fredan and not with you. I want to spend equal time with both of you. " Her green eyes locked onto his as she slowly stepped closer to him.

Abraham look at her and said "There is nothing to forgive. I understand. Fredan is a baby who needs more time than I do. I will just stay in my cave." He look away as tears fill his eyes as he was still hurt. He began to let tears roll down his face as he was angry and upset. Albie was watching and waiting to see if he was going to be needed. He could understand Abraham's pain for some reason since he knew what it was like having a child in the house.

" My King...I...I love you Abraham. Even though we have an adopted son in the house, doesnt mean I havent stopped loving you" Amber said walking to him and faced him "I may have messed up, I will never stop loving you. Ever" she grazed his jawline before leaning in and kissed him " The ranger is looking after Fredan right now. " She looked into Abrahams eyes again and stayed where she was. not moving.

Abraham look at her and listened. He said "I love you too My Queen" He kiss her back and gave her a hug. He still wanted to cry but he managed to hide it. He said "Maybe it will be best if I started making the second house and than I can just in there." He look at her and gave a small smile. He began to feel calm again but he was just glad to be with her. But he knew that Fredan would still only want Amber so he would be building the second house just so that he can stay by them.

" I'll help you if you ever need it, My King" Amber promised hugging him back " But he will need a father too, you know. We will have to teach him about shifting and how to control it so it doesnt get out of hand" She begant o feel better the more she talked. But she knew se had to ger back to work. " I have to get back to work. I'll see you back home in a few hours" she kisse him again and walked out of the cave and drove off back to the cafe to continue her shift.

Abraham watched her leave before he sighed. Albie had left already since he knew that they could work it out. Abraham said "But from the looks of it. Fredan does not need me." He went and began to build the second house. He was not going inside her house as he was not ready to face the ranger and the questions. Abraham kept building the second house as he wanted to surprise Amber. He finished building the second house which was little bigger than the first house.

Amber worked her head off. But she finally sat down after her last shift and took a few deep breathes before walking out and into her car. " Ok, Amber. What ever happens today, be calm and be happy. " she said to herself as she drove home. But whens eh did, she not only saw one house... but two. SHe got out of her car and looked at the second house " my King..." she said walking to him. " But I think Fredan still will need you."

Abraham look at her and said "I don't think Fredan needs me. He never wanted to see me or let me hold him. He only wanted you." He sighed as he began to build stuff for the second house as he decided not to go inside the first house. He finished building the bed and he carried it inside the second house and he began to make to make sure that the bed was soft. Abraham went back outside and began to make a couch for the second house. He was calm as he was working and he stop only to look at her.

AMber stayed where she was as she watched him come in and out " That's because he sees me as a mother, my King. Im doing what a mother aught to do. Give him the love he needs. But it woud not be complete with out you, Abraham. " She then sighed before walking into her house and walked to the Ranger " I can handle it from here." She said walking over to them and held out her arms to Fredan " Hi there Fredan, did you have fun? Where you good?" Then she looked at the Ranger " I hope he wasnt a pain."