
Instead of Alexandra answering the whistled. It was the baby shifter in the baby human form. The baby went to Abraham and sat by him. Abraham pick the baby up and said "Hello there." He began to smile as he held the baby. Alexandra went to them and look at Amber.

"Aexandra. I think I am going to marry Abraham in two years. But we need time to adjust to being together. And then getting used to having a family. Would it be possible if I adopted the shifter? WOuld I have to ask the Ranger?"

Alexandra nodded and said "You can adopt the shifter. I don't think the ranger would mind as long as the baby shifter was being taken care of." Abraham stood up and went to them. He said "This baby shifter is so sweet and cute." He smiled as he look at the baby shifter.

" I think so too, My King. I had the idea of adopting it for the time being til we figuare out the family thing" she eyed him and smiled " Would you like that, My KIng?"

Abraham said "Yes. But even if we figure the the family thing out. I still want the baby shifter to be a part of our family." He look at Amber and handed her the shifter baby as he was calm.

" I think thats a great Idea" she said taking the shifter into her loving arms and talked to it the way her mother did when she was a baby " Oh yes you are so darn awedorable. Yes you are." She then looked at Abraham and hugged him gently.

Abaham hugged her back gently as he was happy again. He said "Well we might not be married yet but at least we have a baby shifter who will need us both." He kiss Amber's cheek and smiled happily at her. Abraham was calm.

" I agree. On the plus side, having this little one will probably prepare us for what will come next. Our own kin." AMber said with a smile

Abraham look at her surprised and ask "Do you want us to have our own child in the future?" He was surprised as he did not think that she wanted to have their own child but he was not going to agrue.

" I mean its still a possibility, Right?" She asked " I can go talk to Albie again and see if he can help. But yes I do think so. Its a risk im willing to take, My King" She kissed him before looking at Alexandra " Thank you"