
Albie said "It was nice meeting you too Amber. We migt see each other again." He smiled as Abraham heard and ran to her. He stop once he saw her. He was in his jaguar form and was confused. He look at Amber.

" I think I got the answers I needed, My King." Amber said climbing onto his back " Take me home. We have something to discuss." She smiled and said goodbye to Albie before being led back to the house.

Abraham nodded and began to run back to her house. He was unsure of what they talk about but all he hope was that it was something good. He was calm as he began to slow down once he got back on the trail to her house. Once at her house, he look at her almost scared to ask what they had to talk about.

" Oh King... its not anything bad. I promise. Albie snd I just had a chat and I told him about our relationsip. I told him that I loved you and how I could never leave your side and most of all that we planned on getting married. But I asked him if it was the right thing to do. You know, me being human and you being a shifter" She had gotten off and opened the house door. " Well I think I made my decision about it."

Abraham shifted into human and ask "What is your decision about it?" He look at her as he was following her. He was still scared as he had many thoughts running though his mind. He thought *What if she does not want to get married?* He look at her almost waiting to her what her decision was and he was still unsure if it is going to be bad or not. He was glad that Albie and Amber talk.

" My dearest King. I have thoght about it as I talked with Albie and I have decided to marry you. In two years time. It should give us the time to think of other plans and maybe redecorate the house. But what about having kids? How woud that work? We could always adopt SHe thought as she walked up the stairs to her bedroom and sat on the bed.

Abraham said "Alright. In two years." He watched her go up stairs and he walk out of the house. He shut the door and walk to the river. He said "Well at least she wants to get married. In two years. I am still not sure about everything else. I mean I want her to be happy but she wants a normal life and well if we wanted kids of our own. Those kids will be half human and half shifter." He look at the water and sighed.

Amber sat on her bed for a few minutes before getting out of the house and went to drive to the mountain she used to go to as a kid with her family. It was dark but she could still see. I am commited to my King. I cant back out any more she thought.

Abraham said "I promise that I will make sure that she will be happy." He went to go and talk to her. He saw that she was not on the bed. *Did I do something wrong this time?* He thought as he sat on the floor. He began to feel sad now. He began to lay on the floor.

She drove fast to the mountain and parked before climbing it and looked at the sunset. She sat at the top of the mountain. " I need to talk to Albie again. But right now I need to make plans for my future with him." By midnight, she was fast asleep.