
"Ok." Morpheus said and started in the direction of their pack.

The female lifted up her body and started trotting towards the pack right beside Morpheus. "Do you think the pups will have a positive or negative attitude towards us after we tell them?" She asked.

Morpheus chuckled. "Who knows. Lunar might get mad at us again." He said mischeviously. "Speaking of pups, do you know whats going on with Lunar and the female from the pack next door?" He asked worriedly.

Tori was confused. She had never heard of Lunar going with the pack next door, or even going with a female. "Um, no? He's going to a pack next door?" She asked, her ears going down a bit worried.

Morpheus got a oh-no-what-have-I-done? look on his face. "Uh did I say a pack next door. I meant in our pack." He said trying to cover up his tracks.

(Plot twist it's the small female pup from awhile ago xD) The female stared at him. "Yeah right" she whispered. "So, how long has he been seeing this female?" She asked as she swayed her tail.

"since a little before Lyra was born." Morpheus said sinking into himself afraid he might get attacked by tori.

"Looks like we'll need to send our scouts on more border patrols" she said back to Morpheus, trying to not start shouting mad.

Morpheus gulp loudly. "Great. Our son is going to hate me for the rest of his life." He whispered under his breath.

"I know!" Tori yelled as she got an idea. "We could have one of our scouts follow him!" She told Morpheus as she wagged her tail. "But, we can't let Lyra know..." she whispered to him.