
She growled, but in a playful tone. She then leaped over Morpheus and started to run around.

Morpheus laughed but ran around with her. His tail wagged playfully and he lept towards her causing them to come nose to nose.

Tori fell onto her back, though it didn't hurt her at all. She giggled and booped his nose with her nose.

Morpheus stood over her smiling a goofy grin. He bent his head down tucking it towards his chest in a gesture for them to touch forehead.

Tori did the same, bending her head so the bottom of her head touched her chest. She then lifted the upper half of her body a bit so they did touch foreheads.

Morpheus smiled holding the position for a moment. "I love you" He whispered before opening his eyes. "I miss the pups. They are growing up too fast." He said in a sad sounding tone.

Tori opened her eyes as well, sighing. "Yeah, I wish we could go back in time" she whispered with a sad tone.

"We can't go back in time sadly. We can always get more though if you really want." Morpheus said quietly.

Tori nodded. "Yeah" she whispered back. Her ears went back and flickered forward as she was thinking.

Morpheus's ears flicked forward before he pinned them back. "You know I'll give you whatever you want. If you want pups I'll give them to you. If its the stars you want then I sure as heck will find a way to get them for you." He allowed his body to fall in a way so he was now laying next to Tori.