
Sounds interesting! I'm going to try and make a post on my phone right now. It was funny because Wolf Pride's voy Hondo asked the same thing xD
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Yeah, I got the idea from them.

Wolffe I mean technically Orien dosent have a mate....But he is older and stuff. But if you dont mind him being older and well, him being him, we could try to work stuff out ^^

~ Terebinth Wolves ~ I’m not super worried about the age gap, because she is already Lead Hunter. It seems like he has already had a mate and something happened, so it could be character development if he gets a new mate. Also the fact that it is secret might be fun to role play with and add some drama. I’m up for it if you are! We’d just have to figure out how they would meet.

Wolffe Im up for it! I was thinking they could meet while both of them are hunting but do you have any ideas? . To everyone I wont be on tomorrow but i will be on monday so dont fret!

~ Terebinth Wolves ~ I do have a few ideas: 1. Somehow they go out hunting at the same time and they both cross the borders, then argue with eachother about trespassing when they themselves have also trespassed. They soon keep on running into eachother in unexpected ways and start looking forward to meeting them. 2. There is a hunting meeting of some sort because of humans/winter/prey shortage, and they meet. One of them (Aquila or Orien) is immediately smitten and starts to grow a bond with them. 3. They are both hunting the same deer, which has splinched itself between the border. They both hunt it at the same time, causing the deer to be spooked by the uncoordinated attacks and run off. They then start arguing while their peers watch and then end up catching a rabbit and then arguing about who eats the rabbit. 4. One of them is swept across the river (while hunting) and the other saves them, causing the wolf that almost drown to stay in the opposite camp for a bit to heal and find a new way back to their camp. They grow a bond and start meeting in secret as "friends". Pick any or put in a new idea, all of them work for me. Edited at November 19, 2022 11:00 PM by Wolffe

Wolffe Ooo i like the last one. Aquila could get swept away by the river and Orien happens to be nearby and immediately trys to save her. Blah blah blah. Orien then manages to get her to safety. Aquila happenes to maybe hurt her paw while in the river so Orien brings her back to camp to help her. After a while she feels better so she leaves but they already made a bond so they meet in secret as just "friends". Sound good?

~ Terebinth Wolves ~
Yeah, works great! We are near the river right now and a bonus is that Aquila is extremely scared of water so she woudld definitely panic in the water. Maybe Orien could get some fresh air (maybe he likes the water?) because old memories have been dug up?

Wolffe He dosent necessary like water but he doesn't mind it. And are you sure you want to do it now? Because like i said im going to be off tomorrow for the whole day.

~ Terebinth Wolves ~ Probably not right now, because River will be with me. I will start with the falling-in-the-river sence tomorrow, and have the saving the day after, if that works for you.