
Everyone So sorry I haven't posted much- school has become one heck of a ride!

Its ok Wolffe. I hope it gets better ^^

Ill respond sometime tonight. I have to eat right now lol

Your fine Wolffe! I was waiting on an Orien post before realizing right about now that Bruno responded to Night :") Sorry @Wolf Pride!
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Well i got Oriens post done now lol @Fang

I wont be on tomorrow so Orien will just follow the group back and then go nap in his cave. Normally though he would stay with Aquillia XD

Alright, thanks for letting us know ^-^
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Your welcome ^^ Also, by the way, from now on every Sunday i wont be on. (Its complicated, so dont ask) but anyways thought id probably just tell you now instead of telling you every Sunday lol. Sorry if this causes difficulties >< Edited at December 2, 2022 10:18 PM by ~Terebinth Wolves~

Your fine! I know that I'm on and off during the weekends as well, mainly because there's more things to do around the house so I understand :)
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@Fang Im so sorry. I got the days mixed up >< I meant i wont be on Sunday not today XD Sorry for the mix up.