
Name: Okam Age: 3 years Gender: Male Appearance:  Personality: Okam is a youthful wolf at heart. He is quick to trust and slow to pick up on social cues. He says what is on is mind with not much of a second thought. As daft as he can be, Okam is curious, as well. His sense of danger is not as strong as others and it often times get him in to trouble. He has an "it could always be worse" outlook on life that gets him through. Family: Derem(father, deceased), Yutoe(mother, living, npc) Mate: N/A Children: N/A Rank: Hunter Desired Rank: Hunter Strenths: Charisma, Staminia, Climbing Weaknesses: Perception, Temptation, Wisdom Other:

Would love to accept you but you are missing something in Other ^-^ Please reread the rules~ Exzantas said: Name: Okam Age: 3 years Gender: Male Appearance:  Personality: Okam is a youthful wolf at heart. He is quick to trust and slow to pick up on social cues. He says what is on is mind with not much of a second thought. As daft as he can be, Okam is curious, as well. His sense of danger is not as strong as others and it often times get him in to trouble. He has an "it could always be worse" outlook on life that gets him through. Family: Derem(father, deceased), Yutoe(mother, living, npc) Mate: N/A Children: N/A Rank: Hunter Desired Rank: Hunter Strenths: Charisma, Staminia, Climbing Weaknesses: Perception, Temptation, Wisdom Other:
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Oh my, I used to be co-host of this back in my WP days. Is this still open?

Mhm, welcome back ;3. RP thread is on the first page and we have reached 200 pages <3 M I S E R Y said: Oh my, I used to be co-host of this back in my WP days. Is this still open?
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• M I S H K A • . Age: 4 Gender: Female Rank: Warrior Desired Rank: Beta Aroma: Vanilla . Appearance:  Mishka is a rather average wolf. She stands at roughly 32 inches and weighs approximately 140 pounds. She believes she is quite healthy for her age. Mishka has medium length shaggy fur that falls into many different colors. She has a slightly bushy tail and fairly large paws. Mishka is built with a feminine structure and with slight muscles. She is built more so for speed rather than strength. Which is also why others take advantage just because of her looks. They think she will be an easy target. . The only thing intimidating about Mishka, is her eyes. Those amber hues tell you right away that you have met your match with death itself. There is naturally a glare in her eyes. Sometimes she doesn't even know she is glaring at someone until she sees their body language change. In the sunlight, however, they do look less scary. They become almost a golden that has a soft look to it. . Mishka's pelt is that if many neutral colors that compliment her very well. A majority of her fur is colored a tan that is practically the base coat. Mixed in with the tan, is black. The black pretty much outlines her coat and her head. Along with that, she had white accents all around her body. She does have a more darker brown that can be seen mixed in all around her fur as well. Personality:  Independent - Fierce - Sarcastic - Loyal - Harsh - Skillfull . Mishka is known to be quite an independent female. She finds working alone to be more effective than with a group. Although she can work in a group, she just chooses not to. Mishka gets things done faster when she is not with others. But she understands that as long as she is in a pack, teamwork is a very popular thing. Mishka's social skills affect her teamwork abilities. She has a hard time communicating with others, which makes it very difficult. . Fierce. A popular word to describe this female. She is instantly aggressive towards others that are not included within the pack. Mishka will not hesitate to attack. Her job is to protect the pack and that is what she will live up to. Mishka has a hard time trusting others. If the pack, per se, let's an outside wolf join them, it would take Mishka a long time to warm up to the wolf. . Mishka's humor is through sarcasm. However, she is typically sarcastic when someone says something utterly ridiculous. She does not tolerate immaturity and cannot stand it, to say the least. If you say something stupid, Mishka will probably let you know that was you just said made no sense. She has no filter and cannot stress it enough. . Her loyalty for the pack is completely unmatched. They have helped her in too many ways to count. If it came down to it, Mishka would most likely sacrifice herself for the pack. If they told her to fight a group of wolves alone, she'd do it. Though she may not win, it is the fact that she still would go attempt to. Mishka has no thought of leaving the pack and she continues to follow the rules. . Going along with her not having a filter, Mishka can be harsh at times when she is in rage mode. She says whatever comes to her mind without thinking of how it might affect others. She will not hesitate to call you out on your bullshit. Mishka has a hard time controlling her anger. She gets irritated at the slightest inconvenience. Mishka has been working on it, however. . With the experience she has within the pack, it has made her quite skillfull. Mishka is a very intelligent wolf and she understands the way of life. She is very swift on her paws and flaunts it when she is in a chase. Mishka hopes to gain more experience within the pack and soon become better than she already is. . Likes: + A Chase + + Resting + + Peace and Quiet + Dislikes: - Ignorance - - Arrogance - - Immaturity - - Cockiness - Strengths: + Combat + + Intelligence + + Reflexes + Weaknesses: - Hotheaded - - Agility - - Stamina - . Crush: Open! Mate: N/A Pups: N/A . Other: 🍌 Decided to restart on my characters<3 | Edited at January 3, 2022 10:43 PM by M I S E R Y

Your good <3 M I S E R Y said: • M I S H K A • . Age: 4 Gender: Female Rank: Warrior Desired Rank: Beta Aroma: Vanilla . Appearance:  Mishka is a rather average wolf. She stands at roughly 32 inches and weighs approximately 140 pounds. She believes she is quite healthy for her age. Mishka has medium length shaggy fur that falls into many different colors. She has a slightly bushy tail and fairly large paws. Mishka is built with a feminine structure and with slight muscles. She is built more so for speed rather than strength. Which is also why others take advantage just because of her looks. They think she will be an easy target. . The only thing intimidating about Mishka, is her eyes. Those amber hues tell you right away that you have met your match with death itself. There is naturally a glare in her eyes. Sometimes she doesn't even know she is glaring at someone until she sees their body language change. In the sunlight, however, they do look less scary. They become almost a golden that has a soft look to it. . Mishka's pelt is that if many neutral colors that compliment her very well. A majority of her fur is colored a tan that is practically the base coat. Mixed in with the tan, is black. The black pretty much outlines her coat and her head. Along with that, she had white accents all around her body. She does have a more darker brown that can be seen mixed in all around her fur as well. Personality:  Independent - Fierce - Sarcastic - Loyal - Harsh - Skillfull . Mishka is known to be quite an independent female. She finds working alone to be more effective than with a group. Although she can work in a group, she just chooses not to. Mishka gets things done faster when she is not with others. But she understands that as long as she is in a pack, teamwork is a very popular thing. Mishka's social skills affect her teamwork abilities. She has a hard time communicating with others, which makes it very difficult. . Fierce. A popular word to describe this female. She is instantly aggressive towards others that are not included within the pack. Mishka will not hesitate to attack. Her job is to protect the pack and that is what she will live up to. Mishka has a hard time trusting others. If the pack, per se, let's an outside wolf join them, it would take Mishka a long time to warm up to the wolf. . Mishka's humor is through sarcasm. However, she is typically sarcastic when someone says something utterly ridiculous. She does not tolerate immaturity and cannot stand it, to say the least. If you say something stupid, Mishka will probably let you know that was you just said made no sense. She has no filter and cannot stress it enough. . Her loyalty for the pack is completely unmatched. They have helped her in too many ways to count. If it came down to it, Mishka would most likely sacrifice herself for the pack. If they told her to fight a group of wolves alone, she'd do it. Though she may not win, it is the fact that she still would go attempt to. Mishka has no thought of leaving the pack and she continues to follow the rules. . Going along with her not having a filter, Mishka can be harsh at times when she is in rage mode. She says whatever comes to her mind without thinking of how it might affect others. She will not hesitate to call you out on your bullshit. Mishka has a hard time controlling her anger. She gets irritated at the slightest inconvenience. Mishka has been working on it, however. . With the experience she has within the pack, it has made her quite skillfull. Mishka is a very intelligent wolf and she understands the way of life. She is very swift on her paws and flaunts it when she is in a chase. Mishka hopes to gain more experience within the pack and soon become better than she already is. . Likes: + A Chase + + Resting + + Peace and Quiet + Dislikes: - Ignorance - - Arrogance - - Immaturity - - Cockiness - Strengths: + Combat + + Intelligence + + Reflexes + Weaknesses: - Hotheaded - - Agility - - Stamina - . Crush: Open! Mate: N/A Pups: N/A . Other: 🍌 Decided to restart on my characters<3 |
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Okay, I know I can't pin this anymore but I am going to put this here so I can keep track of everyone. Please tell me if I got something wrong or a character is not here, I missed a lot so I don't remember everything. (I also just copied it from the original) Wolf Pack Roles Alphas Glacier, Killjoy Betas Uno Deltas Lily, Whisky Lead Hunter/Warrior Illusion Healer Starless Night Omega Gwendolyn, Amathyst, Amaruq Hunters/Warriors Sandstorm, Ashley, Serenity, Totem, Rouge, Killjoy, Whine Stone Scouts Delta, Taliene, Fern Elder Flame Mothers Ash, Sparks Of Love, Splashes Of Love, Marbled Pups Love You, Shrike, Glory, White Moons, Vic, Leo, Sky, Calli, Tornado, Cloudy, Alpine, Diemos, Venus Unknown Roles Brecken, Artemis, Yang? - Shadow's Pack Alphas Shadow, Lean Betas Lemon Deltas Lead hunter/warrior Healer Seya Omegas Hunters/Warriors Scouts Elders Flame Mothers Pups Shadow and Lean's Pups Guards Icicle, Frost Unknown Roles Dark Knight - Night Raven Pack Alphas Night Raven Betas River Deltas Lead hunter/warrior Healer Omegas Hunters/Warriors Scouts Elders Mothers Pups --- Other Wolves Storming, Sea --- Invader Roles Bears Blue, Karani Lone Wolves Shadow Hawk, Lemon, Lean, Night, Dark Knight, Marbled, Brecked, Artimis, Night Hawk Arctic Foxes Frost, Icicle, Popcorn Snowy Owls Opal, Windstream Great Horned Owls Faith Falcons LightningWing Crow Brainard Golden Eagles Goldbeak Red Tailed Hawks Redwing Coyotes SilverBack, Silver - Reservations None Edited at January 12, 2022 04:12 PM by Franks Wolf Pack

Franks Wolf Pack said: Okay, I know I can't pin this anymore but I am going to put this here so I can keep track of everyone. Please tell me if I got something wrong or a character is not here, I missed a lot so I don't remember everything. (I also just copied it from the original) Wolf Pack Roles Alphas Glacier, Ashes Betas Uno, Seya Deltas Lily, Whisky Lead Hunter/Warrior Illusion Healer Starless Night Omega Gwendolyn, Amathyst, Amaruq Hunters/Warriors Sandstorm, Ashley, Serenity, Totem, Rouge, Killjoy, Whine Stone Scouts Delta, Taliene, Fern Elder Flame Mothers Ash, Sparks Of Love, Splashes Of Love Pups Love You, Shrike, Glory, White Moons, Vic, Leo, Sky, Calli - Invader Roles Bears Blue, Karani Lone Wolves Shadow Hawk, Lemon, Lean, Night, Dark Knight, Marbled, Brecked, Artimis, Night Hawk Arctic Foxes Frost, Icicle, Popcorn Snowy Owls Opal Great Horned Owls Faith Falcons LightningWing Bald Eagles Golden Eagles Goldbeak Red Tailed Hawks Redwing Red Sholdered Hawks Vultures Coyotes SilverBack, Silver - Reservations None
Glaicer and Killjoy are Alpha's not sure who the beta's are, Seya left the pack, Brecken, Marbled, Artemis joined the main pack Shadow is the alpha of another pack that includes Lemon, lean, Seya, and a few others Storming and Sea are lone wolves in a territory that they Own so they aren't really lone wolves, but they don't have a 'pack' Also two pups joined Brecken, and Marbled; Tornado and Cloudy. I haven't heard from Lily, Whiskey, or Uno in a while, as well as a few others Once again, Welcome back Frank!! Glad to see you again
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Okay, thank you! I changed it but if I still have something wrong tell me! Jumping Wolves said: Franks Wolf Pack said: Glaicer and Killjoy are Alpha's not sure who the beta's are, Seya left the pack, Brecken, Marbled, Artemis joined the main pack Shadow is the alpha of another pack that includes Lemon, lean, Seya, and a few others Storming and Sea are lone wolves in a territory that they Own so they aren't really lone wolves, but they don't have a 'pack' Also two pups joined Brecken, and Marbled; Tornado and Cloudy. I haven't heard from Lily, Whiskey, or Uno in a while, as well as a few others Once again, Welcome back Frank!! Glad to see you again

I am not sure which pack Mishka would be in >.<