
I am sorry but this RP is too far ahead for new players to join. As stated in the announcement, no new characters will be accepted unless you are in the RP as is. Thank you for your interest however ^-^ Foxspirit said: Can I res Alpha or Beta Female for the Eastern Pack?? ^^
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Fangsoffire said: I am sorry but this RP is too far ahead for new players to join. As stated in the announcement, no new characters will be accepted unless you are in the RP as is. Thank you for your interest however ^-^ Foxspirit said: Can I res Alpha or Beta Female for the Eastern Pack?? ^^
Can I join as a Lone Wolf? I'd do my own thing until someone found me?? (These are just ideas)

As said before, sign-ups are closed to new players. As this is a small-group RP, we have enough active players to keep the roleplay going. Foxspirit said: Can I join as a Lone Wolf? I'd do my own thing until someone found me?? (These are just ideas)
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Fangsoffire said: As said before, sign-ups are closed to new players. As this is a small-group RP, we have enough active players to keep the roleplay going. Foxspirit said: Can I join as a Lone Wolf? I'd do my own thing until someone found me?? (These are just ideas)
Ohhh, ok! Sounds like fun though, enjoy! <3


Woo! Re-acceptance. Fangsoffire said: Aster is accepted :D

Storm Age: 6 Years Gender: Male ~ Pack: Eastern Pack Rank: Hunter *Desired Rank: Lead Hunter Species(wolf or dog): Timber Wolf ~ Appearance(at least one paragraph): Storm is a large, bulky wolf with lots of fur, reaching the height of 37 inches, and is around 4 feet long, and weighs 160 pounds. His eyes are a blood red color, and his fur is as black as a starless midnight sky. His ears are large and alert, and his nose is big and normally wet. His teeth are yellow yet strong and sharp. His neck is protected by lots of thick, black fur. His shoulders are large and bulky, and his legs are strong and he can keep his balance quite easily. His front right paw has a spot of white around where his claws start, but everywhere else is pure black. His claws are black too. His hind legs are muscular and strong, and his tail is long and fluffy. Personality(at least one paragraph): Brave | Loyal | Bold | Respectful | Selfless | Deep-Voiced | Determined | Trustworthy | Smart | Strategic Storm is a very brave wolf, who will defend his friends and family with his life. He never puts himself above even the omegas of the pack, even showing slight respect to them, at least, in his old pack he did. He often uses his size to intimidate others who are his rivals, but always will avoid fights if possible. He is very strategic, even coming up with plans to kill a simple hare. He is smart, and often knows what to do in a bad situation, well, sometimes at least. Other times he can be a pure dumb dumb by accident, but he's normally smart. ~ Strengths: Bigger Size + Very Muscular Wolfie + Very Strong + Weaknesses: Slow - Very Bad Energy - Easily Overheats - ~ *Likes: Food + Hunting + Having Fun + When Veracious Is Being Good And Not Starting Random Fights + *Dislikes: Fighting - Annoying Wolves - Mean Wolves - When Veracious Starts Fights - ~ Other: I like gold bananas, not purple ones! Edited at March 4, 2023 11:20 PM by Fruit Lovers

Edited at March 4, 2023 11:01 PM by Fruit Lovers


Name:Talia Age:5 Years Gender:Female Pack:Raven Pack Rank:Scout Desired Rank:Content Species:Wolf Appearance:
Talia is a she-wolf of average size, with a more lithe and lean build. She's built for agility, speed, and stamina, which means she leaves the powerhouse fighting to the big boys. She's a female who always keeps herself in pristine condition, her fur always groomed and impeccable. Her coat is on the medium to longer side, and could be considered softer to the touch. Talia's coloration is made up of primarily three colors, black, white, and cream, almost like an agouti if they had a layer of snow on their back. Truthfully, the female looks nothing like her younger brother, however, their relation is obvious if anyone takes the time to see that their eyes are carbon copies of each other.
Personality:Talia is a female who always appears to be on the serious side, however, that has more to do with her quiet and reserved nature than anything. The female is quite observant, taking in everything around her and filing it away for future knowledge. Now, she can be a bit of a frosty female, being a bit particular about the company she keeps, getting a bit irritated when someone she isn't keen on is forced to be in her presence. Still, Talia is one of those few who always presents as civil, though sometimes her annoyance or irritation can be picked up. It isn't until she is pushed to far that her silver tongue comes out to defend her. Truthfully, Talia is easy to get along with unless you're is one of those few who gets under her skin. Of the two, Talia is more likely to be the more aggressive of the siblings, not always needing an actual reason to fuel her aggression.
Strengths:+ Speed, Agility, Stamina: Talia is a lithe female built for running, whether it be long distances or short. + Intelligent and Cunning: Tal is more than a pretty face, having a sharp mind filled with intellect. + Loyalty: Talia has an extremely strong sense of Loyalty. Once her trust is earned, she will have your back through anything. + Sure-Footed: Talia is always aware of her surroundings, but also is very adept at working through any sort of environment without losing her footing. Weaknesses:- Physical Strength: Being designed for speed, the female doesn't pack quite as much of a punch as bigger, stronger wolves. - Durability: Due to her smaller stature, Talia also cannot take several hits and continue going in a fight. She can only get up after being knocked down so many times and keep going. - Worry Wart: She always is concerned about the well being of those she cares for, to the point of it being a distraction at times. - Overthinker: Talia is still learning to trust herself and her instincts, and sometimes overthinks things even if they're the right choice. Other: See following form.
Name: Rowan Age: 3 Years Gender: Male Pack: Raven Pack Rank: Hunter Desired Rank: Content Species: Wolf Appearance:

The dark male is a canine of above average size. His physique is evidently the opposite of his older sisters, being built for physical strength, endurance, and durability. He's a tall male, often standing above others, with long legs and a powerful chest and shoulders. Unlike Talia who is lean and lithe, the male cold be described as almost burly or stout, the only difference is that he's tall. Rowan, when standing side by side with his sister, looks like he would be the older sibling.
At a glance, though, it's hard to tell that Row is related to Talia at all. While she looks similar to an agout female out in the middle of winter, Rowan looks like a breath of autumn. His fur is a dark brown in color, easily described as mocha, with paler red-tan markings adorning his back, shoulder, tail, chest, and face. The markings on his body do a good job of accentuating the male, making him appear more intimidating than he truly his and also making him unique, standing out from others. Like Talia, though, the male has bright, burning topaz eyes that look like they harness tiny bits of the sun.
Unlike Talia, though, Rowan has a shorter coat. It's still quite dense, considerably so, however, it's coarser than hers, and does a good job of offering natural protection against things trying to penetrate it. Thankfully, though, his coat still keeps him warm during the winter too.
Personality: Like his sister, Rowan can come off as kind of serious, even for a wolf of his age. The only difference is that Rowan doesn't seem as uptight as the she-wolf. He is much more relaxed, though, he is even less talkative than his sister. He, like her, likes is space, however, he is much more impassive and almost friendlier than his sister is, more tolerant is the proper way to but it. However, he is still a young wolf at the end of the day. He's more impatient than his sister is, less experienced, and almost more naive. He's naturally on the wary side, however, he is more likely to believe people are what they seem to be, never one to think anyone is being manipulative. Rowan prefers to be what you see if what you get, and prefers to believe everyone else is the same, however, he knows, from his sister, that isn't always true. When he needs to be, though, Rowan can be aggressive, though he isn't prone to violence and prefers peace.
Strengths: + Physical Strength + Durability + Malleable + Large Size Weaknesses: - Speed - Inxperience - Asking for Help - Bananas - Stubborn Other: My favorite color is purple, but I have been preferring yellow lately. Edited at March 11, 2023 11:00 PM by Imperial Sands