
(Weren't we starting in the zoo? Like before they got put outside?) Flame | Elder | Female | M: Everyone Flame ate her fill before seeing Ash jump behind her. Looking over, she saw a blob come their way before scenting it was Sandstorm. Narrrowing her eyes annoyed, she padded over to the water with her thoughts. My eyesight is getting worse. I'm also getting older. She shook her head before dipping her muzzle into the water. She could barely remember what fresh river water tasted like anymore. That was long ago and the humans didn't look like they were going to release them anytime soon. Letting out a sigh, she layed down in a batch of sunlight before hearing Ash yelp about a new wolf. Looking up, she saw the yellow wolf standing by the tree. Oh let the pack take care of it. She thought to herself before closing her eyes, letting her other senses reach out and practice her hearing.
Shadow | Lone Wolf | Male | M: Icicle and Fenrisulfur (ind) Shadow made it back to the den before deciding to go down to the river. Loping through the woods, he angled for the meadow upstream as he knew that the bears would all be downstream in the best fishing areas there. There was usually one or two upstream that Shadow would find though that was great for trout fishing. Making it to the river, he traveled upstream fast before picking up the scent of an unfamiliar bear. He let out a low growl before picking up the scent of fox. Sly things they are. He thought before purposefully going around the track still on the bear scent. A bit later, it mixed with a strange wolf scent. Stalking close to the ground, he slowly moved his way through the trees before sighting the bear. A bit bigger than the grizzlies around his territory, he decided to go aloof instead. No sense getting into a fight just yet. He thought letting out a howl to let the bear know he wasn't here for it's food.
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(Yes we are but some how Lemon got put in the cage)

Correct Lemon sniffed the air looking at the other wolves he lowered his head in shame.He walks to a corner in the cage and settles down watching the wolves run in confusion of his appearance.He then sits up and walks to the water hole away from the other wolves he sees so many new faces but who are they he askes himself.He wants to talk to them but cann't find the words so he stays by himself.

Kai sniffed the cage, her back fur raised. "Hmm, weird..." she mumbled. The wolf, or dog, whatever it was seemed ashamed. "Are you okay?" she whispered as she examined it.

Lemon looks up to see a brown colored wolf talking to him."Oh h-hello" He said in a very scared voice "I-I-I am ok I am Lemon what is your n-name?" Edited at March 1, 2021 10:52 AM by Try us

Gwendolyn tilted her head to the other side watching the yellow wolf's actions and padded closer sniffing the air. She didn't make any sudden movements so as not to provoke a fight. Her head lowered she approached the new wolf stopping next to Kai. "Hello Lemon I am Gwendolyn. How did you end up here?"

Lemon looks at the new wolf that has approached."Hello Gwendolyn I was a wild wolf but was caught due to the human here why I do not know.I have heard that there will be a setting free of use if that is true amazing if not I guess this is ok.I have never been in a pack my mother was a lonewolf but my father was a pack wolf when my mother told him about me he snarled and left with his pack.I have been on my own sense my mother died and never had siblings I have meet other lone wolves and tried to be nice it did not work."He says with a sigh "My life as a lone wolf was lonely.I had killed a couple things out there but not other wolves.I know many packs out in the wild.I also know where the best places are to hide,the rivers with the best fish.I am very smart and strong but never would like to attack any other wolves.My mother was a strong wolf she was amazing I miss her."

Sandstorm-5-Male-Hunter-M: Everyone Sandstorm was peacfully sleeping when someone rolled him over and started jumping on him. He opened his eyes to see his little sister Delta. He playfully jumped on her and started to fight, then Delta went over to her twin Ash. Sanstorm got up and looked over at his sisters, they were fighting all around camp. He sneeked up on them and pinned both of them down. The twins wiggled and got out of his grip then pinned Sandstorm before letting go and starting a game of tag. The big timber wolf ran around the pen chasing his sisters. He went after Ash, she was slower and easyer to get than his lightning fast sister Delta. Ash went behind Artamis and Sandstorm followed his sister behind Flame as well. He chased Ash all around the pen and finnaly ended up with Ash stopping in front of a tree. Sandstorm thought she was just tired but Ash started screaming and Sandstorm went to check it out. Behind the tree was a yellowish wolf. Sandstorm growled, his instincts told him that other wolves were dangerous and he listened to them. The wolf backed off and Sandstorm stopped growling. He went to the pond to drink but a rumbling noise caught his attention, cars.

Lemon walked up to sandstorm and says "Hello I am Lemon what is your name?"

Sandstorm-5-Male-Hunter-M: Lemon, Ash, Delta Sandstorm heard Lemon ask and answered. "My name is Sandstorm," he said but he wasn't really listening to Lemon. His attention was on the big trucks and cars pulling into the parking lot of the wolf sancuary. He ran up to the wall of the pen and looked out of the fence. "Hey Ash! Delta!" Sandstorm called to his sisters. "What do you think is happening?" Ash-4-Female-Scout-M: Lemon, Sandstorm, Delta, humans Ash was called over to the fence by Sandstorm. "I don't know...wait!" She turned around and faced Lemon. "You said something about the humans letting us go...right?" Her question was greeted by a head nod and she started to panic. "They are going to take us away and let us go in the wild! What will we do!?" She ran around with Delta who was also panicing. "What will we do?!" They howled.