
do you like my avi its name is star too

Starpackhero said: wet wish is were I used my water powers on wish and it is okay no one really was there on my birthday only covid pack gave me a present but that is okay
If I knew it was your birthday I woulda gave ya a gift! TwT

i was not on for the hole day only for 30 minutes feeding my wolves and sorry for wetting you, you can give me a late one i always get late ones from my cousins in real life

Starpackhero said: i was not on for the hole day only for 30 minutes feeding my wolves and sorry for wetting you, you can give me a late one i always get late ones from my cousins in real life
I sent ya a gift UwU

awww i love it thank you wish *hugs wish*

*Hugs Back* your welcome!

*keeps hugging then lets go* i allow you to burn 3 trees then i will put them out silver will never know

*Ear blasting interference* Well, seems like that's all the time I have for now. I'll contact you again next time I get a chance.


okay wish your time to burn some treess