
Nomnoms, you seem to love vanishing from people's lives only to reappear after 'forever'.

Starpackhero said: *whatching all this* i am just going to whatch this *gets a cup and uses her water powers to fill a cup*
*Pats head* Alright, if you need anything tell me :)

How dare you call me a CHILD?!? *scoffs* I would like to inform you that I am a full-grown adult currently part of the workforce. Silver Feather said: Truffles Revenge said: To be honest no. BUT, I do know that we have 236 pages just about a discussion for an rp and you plebians are only at a mere 197. Silver Feather said: Truffle... Have you looked through even a little bit of my family's former conversation?
Child, just look. Trust me. (Yes, the numbers if our RP chat are much more impressive.)
Also, I'm too lazy to take a look. hee hee

I’m just gonna watch from the shadows *crawls into le shadowy corner* UwU

Yeah, I think so Sunscreen, mayhaps...

Excuse me no. I create le shadowy corners and I forbid you from entering >:|

Solareclipse. said: Excuse me no. I create le shadowy corners and I forbid you from entering >:|
*Hisses Demonically* This is my shadowy corner and I say I can stay in it ÙwÚ

I call everyone 'child' around here XD Truffles Revenge said: How dare you call me a CHILD?!? *scoffs* I would like to inform you that I am a full-grown adult currently part of the workforce. Silver Feather said: Truffles Revenge said: To be honest no. BUT, I do know that we have 236 pages just about a discussion for an rp and you plebians are only at a mere 197. Silver Feather said: Truffle... Have you looked through even a little bit of my family's former conversation?
Child, just look. Trust me. (Yes, the numbers if our RP chat are much more impressive.)
Also, I'm too lazy to take a look. hee hee
Okay, basic summery of YESTERDAY. Jack the Demon boi stole my cookie and we fought, Wild my sister teleported away, Flower the cat ran into a wall trying to chase Wild, and Breezy the youngest sibling had a meltdown because she thought Wild was dead. Also there was some talk of sacrificial offerings and fire in there. That's just a summery...


umm mum i am going to read up in my room you can get me if you need me *walks up the stairs to her roomI*