
Game Moderator Darkseeker
When a wolf gets defeated in battle. it has a chance to gain an injury.

SilverWolf said: Wait how does a wolf get injured in the first place?
I am pretty sure its just randomly in explore. Like if you battle another wolf or something, and it could happen by chance, im not sure though.

Bl00d Lust said: SilverWolf said: Wait how does a wolf get injured in the first place?
I am pretty sure its just randomly in explore. Like if you battle another wolf or something, and it could happen by chance, im not sure though.
This is not true. The only way a wolf can get an injury, as Venn has already said, is when a wolf gets defeated in battle. Then it has a chance to gain an injury.

Sorry for bothering you with probably something stupid, but how do I heal Lupine Parvovirus? I can´t find anithing anywere about it, I tried red potion, green potion and heath potion but nothing works... Please help...


btw witch one cures parvo

Deathdahl said: Sorry for bothering you with probably something stupid, but how do I heal Lupine Parvovirus? I can´t find anithing anywere about it, I tried red potion, green potion and heath potion but nothing works... Please help...

You'll need beeswax, grapeseed, and wolfsbane.

What heals Lupine Parvovirus??? Nevermind i found it :) Edited at August 14, 2020 03:37 AM by River-Dogs

how do you know what injurie my wolf has never mind i found it Edited at July 20, 2021 01:27 AM by THE FEARLESS PAWS