Night Shade
Having no destination in mind so you let your companions take the lead. It took a while as they appeared to have a little debate before you found yourself at some trees on the path leading into the darkness.
There was complete and utter silence. No bird chirping, no frog croaking but there was a breeze that was cold almost like ice. You have no idea who even lead everyone to this direction but apparently your companions chose darkness.
Go or back track?
A) Go into the darkness
B) Back track and go to the lighter path
You leave the barn and head out to follow the noise to the farm house where you could hear more crashes, sounds of terrified chickens and banging. You touched the door and it opened with a loud creaking sound making it quite clear that no one had lived in the house for a long time.
The noise stopped at the sound of the door opening and you could see dust but you were curious about the noise though you noticed it was too dark.
What will you do?
A) Stand at the doorway and call for whatever is inside
B) Step inside and walk around in the dark
C) Stay at the door but try to feel for a light