
Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Not it being two weeks since I last responded YIKES- I have been busy [cough, out drinking, cough] ANYWAY-
-- Thank you so much! :D And yes, I'm studying concept art so we cover all kinds of things. Right now one of my classes is covering prop and character design. I'll likely post more of my classwork here after that project is finished. I'm definitely continuing onto colour soon! I'm a wee bit behind on that class ahah-
Right, onto some recent commissions annnd personal work. Annd a little redesign for one of my first character designs! I originally sold this design in early 2019, right here on WP :0 I think it probably sold for anywhere between 250-500 mushrooms? Here's a 2023 redesign :>  All art on this post is [c]157083 Eternity [WPG] [DA] [TH] My alternate online handle is 86Eternity
Art on this thread may not be reused, reposted or repurposed. | |

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Lil WIP comm for AyukioCC annnd a redraw <3   All art on this post is [c]157083 Eternity [WPG] [DA] [TH] My alternate online handle is 86Eternity
Art on this thread may not be reused, reposted or repurposed. | | |

Ayo! No no, that's totally understandable! I'm also taking an art class at the moment (it's a general one) so I understand the busyness. XD And dang! Great work so far, I'm definitely excited to see what you post regarding what you've learned from there! :D You'll pull through just fine, I'm sure of it, lol. - Mmm personal work! That moth's real cute and snuggly looking, and you've toiled over mountains of experience judging by that redesign! Every aspect has grown up so much, line confidence, color theory, layering, and pattern work! Dang dude, I love that so much for you. :D <3 - Mmmm those atmospheric scenes 10/10; it almost looks like the blood is glowing! :0 And the rich violet-blueness of the shadows is beautifully complementary to the dusty orange skies. Fantastic color work. I'm gonna finish up by gobbling up the comm and that gnarly redraw. Holy heck, nine years! This is potato chips versus the savory richness of mom's chicken soup for dinner. It's freaking fantastic bro.

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
YUKETA- THAT- That last one was quite possibly *the best* and most specific compliment I've ever received and I genuinely don't think I'm ever going to hear nicer words about my art for real. That genuinely made my whole week AND my whole day again LMAO You're too kind I don't even know what to say #1 supporter for real, for real <33 -- Um I drew some dogs And made a lil cute lineart. These guys all sold before I could even post them I swear LMAO 


Eternity - Oh dang, glad it made you feel that way! XD (There's always more where that came from, too, hahaha!) Always and forevermore, bro. You deserve every ounce of praise. <3 --- These dogs are wild, I love the uniqueness of each design! And they're stupid cute. I'm strangely drawn to the bell pupper.

These drawings are flat-out amazing. Each dog is unique, it's beautiful. I love the way you portray your characters too, with Eternity and Apollo, it's gorgeous. Apollo really sticks out to me, too, because it's the name of my dog <3 I really want to get a graphics tablet, but I can't afford it (sadly) I normally draw on paper, but I've really wanted to try doing digital art and sharing my art with the world for the first time. Nevertheless, keep making these amazing drawings and sharing them!!

How are you so good at drawing, like dayum! I just went through all the pages since the beginning, and watching as your art fluctuated and got better was so amazing! I am so glad you decided to share your art with all of us! <33

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Thank you all for your super sweet comments ;; I haven't posted in a hot second as I've not drawn very much, but here's some stuff from this month and last month that I hadn't posted yet.
@Yuketa Thank you! <33 I plan on making some more soon, I'd quite like to get back into making WolfPlay adopts as they're really fun!
@Foxspirit Awh thanks! And what a cool coincidence with your dog's name! :0 If you've got a laptop that can run a graphics tablet, I'd really recommend checking out some second hand ones! There's also the One by Wacom which in the UK is around £40. That's awesome though! I only started digital art in 2015 :0
@Regrets Everything Aw thank you <33 I've been drawing for a very very long time ahah. Usually I draw somewhere between 400-600 images a year, so it leads to very steady improvement! And I'll definitely continue to share it.
-------- Right, onto some actual art LMAO. As usual, all images [c]157083 Some of these are commissions and gifts

Eternity - <3 <3 <3 Awwh hec, more adopts would be lovely to see! I can't wait to see what you come up with. :D Dang, that's one to two pages a day, and it's absolutely wild! No wonder you're where you're at now, as a result of pretty consistent dedication. Props to you, bro. :> - Lemme just go ahead and eat these now. Om nom nom. The painted rainbow on the white of the dude's hair and wings is reminiscent of an old oc I had here--Tszirnos, I think. Some chaos god wolf? This guy is just as handsome lol. I love the shadow of the fencing falling across his form. Very nice. :3 That hot man with the lollipop is h o t hot. The linework is so clean, and the intricate but not overly complicated details of his outfit are so nice to really observe and pick through. The wolf head is solid as per usual. The subtle blue highlight cast over the neck and shoulder fur, the face, ears, and on the muzzle is so dang good. The way the ears are shaped also give them three dimensional form. I live for this stuff. Paws. Paws. Such simple subjects, yet executed with such care as to denote the careful articulations of their realistic anatomy. ... Gimme, I must eat them beans. :3 The half-skele dog makes a comeback! That pose is delectable, and captures the gesture of his movement well. This one bites, and we all know it. Love seeing unfinished sketches here too, bro. <3