
Game Moderator Darkseeker
Please remember to credit all work properly as well as following this thread game rules of providing a sketch/art of the Oc above before you place your own. Thank you.

Claim Credit my TH, Wolffang Edited at June 6, 2022 09:47 PM by Space Man


Edited at June 9, 2022 09:32 PM by FoggyFoxer

im so sorry, ignore this, but are we just going to ignore me then? :[ the art that i did was on page 114, and moonlightpath claimed, didnt do it, then posted their oc and everyone just moved on? im sorry if this sounds selfish or rude i dont mean it to be

Quantum.Quattro I am so sorry about that and it doesn't sound rude or mean at all .... claim Quantum.Quattro and FoggyFoxer (don't know if I can claim both but don't want to offend anyone and I can do both) .... Quantum.Quattro's character *.*.*.* FoggyFoxer's character *.*.*.* My characters Edited at June 8, 2022 03:54 AM by Lost_Griffin

claim Lost_Griffin. ~*~*~*~ Lost_Griffin's OC: Note: if you use this offsite please just link back to my den page somewhere. Thank you! :D  ~*~*~*~ My OC(s): Edited at June 8, 2022 02:09 PM by Legobrick

Claim Credit my TH, Wolffang Edited at June 8, 2022 05:42 PM by Space Man

Sent the unmarked image through th ♡ Edited at June 9, 2022 12:39 AM by Reverie

I was gonna claim but the link does not work