
Rocky-canine Blinking at the sight of a carriage with two friesian horses.....just sitting in the middle of the rotten forest, Rocky felt uneasy as he took in the sight. Looking at spirit he spoke " i wouldn't mind climbing atop the thing but I'm not getting in it " he glanced down at his left paw " last time something just showed up it didn't end well , I would rather climb atop of it for a quick escape if needed " he tilted his head as he looked at spirit. Edited at August 29, 2024 07:24 AM by starwolfs
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Spirit nodded warily. "A carriage in the middle of the forest - much less a rotten one - Is... ominous...." He narrowed his eyes and looked around.

Astroya The Tundra is beautiful, but about the opposite of where you wanna be. You begin making your way through the snow towards the foothills. After a long while of trudging straight across the snow, a snowshoe Hare suddenly jumps up from under your feet and races across your path, jumping over the ridge line and vanishing under it completely. You tilt your head and laugh a bit at yourself about how much it startled you, before you look around, feeling a warm wind current drawing you to the side of your current path. -You May- Continue toward the Foothills Follow the Hare Follow the warm air current

Furred Fury Party The two of you are wary of the carriage, and walk to the side of it as you think about what to do. As soon as you pass the horses, though, they seem to understand you don't want a ride and snort at you, before taking off. The carriage rattling to life and beginning to roar as they trot down the Coblestone road. It seems you have one last chance to get on before they get away. -You May- This is an individual choice, your character will do what you say no matter what your partner does. Jump on the carriage Continue on foot Edited at August 29, 2024 07:50 AM by Sunset Ghosts

Rocky- canine seeing the horses start to take off without any warning just confirms his decision. Looking at spirit " I don't know about you but I'm going to pass on the spooky carriage ride " Rocky huffed as he decided to continue on foot
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Evan's fur bristled with unease. He didn't trust this fox one bit. He took a step back, maintaining some level of distance between himself and this strnger. "And the stakes?" He asked.

Evan The fox smiled and shook his head. "Heads you win, Tails I win." He said again. It seems you're not allowed to know the stakes.

Spirit jumped back as the horses took off. "Weird..." He narrowed his eyes and sat down. "I'm not going anywhere near that thing..."

Furred Fury Party The two of you agree to continue on foot, and walk through the forest together on the same cobblestone road until you come to a fork in the road. There's also a small trail off the road that seems to be covered in... Wolf tracks? -You May- Head North Head West Follow the Wolf Tracks

Rocky-canine " hmm , we could head north " Rocky mumble " but that's assuming the tundra is located north " he huffed he took a closer look at the wolf tracks " I think the wolf tracks are our best bet " he looked at spirit waiting for his input
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