
Astroya You head over to investigate the firepit, there's a small pile of ash surrounded by ivy's like the ones you pulled off the table. You cut a couple vines from the fallen logs used as benches but unfortunately don't find anything of note. It must have been to long ago, everything right our in the open must have already been pilfired. -You May- Investigate the Shack Return the Exploring the Forest

Adira Coyote laughed as he moved a branch out of your path. "Oh she's a riot! If you've ever been in the swamp, I'm sure she'll know you. She likes to watch adventurers and help them along if needed, but it's like a game to her to stay hidden from you. But if you catch her, she has a really cool shop." He explained as he turned forward again to lead the way. However, he stops so quickly that your chest bumps into his rump, and he still doesn't move. He's standing rigid... as if he's seen something terrifying. But when you look past him, all you see is an average Staircase. It looks like it was cut and pasted perfectly from somebody's home into the woods, but Coyote's reaction made you take another second. "I took this trail an hour ago... this wasn't here." He said, his hackles on end as he paced forward slowly and sniffed the wood on the bottom stair. "Don't touch it... I've heard stories about these I think..."

Moth You head down the straight path, and slowly, the chill in the air vanishes. -You've re-entered the Rotten Forest- Back in the heavily wooded forest, you feel a little claustrophobic compared to the wide open feeling of the Tundra. In front of you, you're reminded why this is a terrible place... the body of another adventurer is laid in the path, mushrooms growing from her fur. Something about the scene feels... off, but you can see a pouch of pinecones around her neck. -You May- Investigate the Corpse Step Around the Corpse Head Back the way you came

Evan You make the long trek back across the sand to return to the Savannah, happy when you find a bush to shade under for a moment while you decide where to go from here. You're about to continue, when a voice from above your head greets you, and you look up into the tree above you to find a beautiful red fox with glowing purple eyes. -You've met The Butler!- "Care to flip a coin?" His voice rings in your ears... as both a prize and a warning, confusing your senses. While you were distracted by his words, a fine, purple mist had gathered around you and your pets. "Heads, you win. Tails, I win." The beautiful fox said sweetly, running his own tail under his chin before he jumps down to sit in front of you. -You May- Flip a Coin Leave

Adira By knowing how dangerous the forest could be, it was only natural for Adira's adrenaline to raise. Her anxiety flustered as she peeked past Coyote and laid eyes on the ominous staircase. "Freaky..." she whispered to herself while listening to the cook, smoothly raising her voice to be more audible, "What kind of stories?"

Only one place is left to investigate in this somewhat hidden campsite. Astroya heads over to the shack.
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Adira Coyote shook his head and flattened his ears, taking a couple steps back from the Staircase. "I'm not positive this is what they were describing... I was imagining some Staircase made of sticks and rocks... but Ellen on the River once told me that she saw someone climb up a staircase and immediately get sliced clean in half." He shuddered a little and his tail fluffed out. "She seems pretty shaken about it, I think it's best we stay away." He looked up at the top of the staircase and huffed, flicking an ear as he began walking past it. As soon as he took a step though, a horrible, almost train horn sounding screech started up. So loud it forces both of you to drop and cover your ears with your forpaws, and even still, you're sure it will make your head explode. Then, as quickly as it came, the sound is gone, the only sound you can hear now is Coyote whimpering as he rubs his ear. "Yea... I wanna get outta here." He said and hauled himself to his paws and looked back at you to follow or argue

Astroya You head over to the shack, carefully navigating under the collapsed roof and over the broken floorboards. It's a small shack, with a single private room and a a kitchen and dining area. You quickly make your way into all the areas of the house, but the creaking of the boards above your head makes you uneasy, and you get out as soon as possible. -You've found the following!- Framed Photo of Goldi Jorden Orchid Mantis Egg in Jar Picasso Moth Egg in Jar Cuckoo Wasp Egg in Jar It looks like Goldi has done such a good job keeping these eggs, that you could simply open the jars and spritz each on with a little water and they'd come to life again. Looking around from the campsite, you can see a small deer gametrail, as well as a clearing in the distance through the trees that looks like it could be a meadow. -You May- Stop and Read Head Down the Gametrail Head toward the Meadow

Astroya carefully pockets the found items and heads down the game trail. Anything to get away from the creaking of the shack.
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Astroya You head down the gametrail, trading the creaking of the shack for the creaking of the Rotting Forest. You're about to start ignoring it when there a particularly loud Crack over your head. You jump out of the way just in time as one of the Rotten trees falls into the path where you just were. Sending your adrenaline skyrocketing and blood rushing through your ears. It bothers you... the way it just fell with nothing pushing or cutting it, and it sends your hackles on end. -You May- Investigate the Tree Continue Down the Gametrail Go Off-Trail