
Adira You decide to follow the deer, swiftly bounding after it, your paws almost seeming to know the terrain for a moment as you fly with the doe. She seems to notice you, and flashes her tail in panic before darting off to the side, sending you careening through some bushes and down a hill. You topple and roll in the soft grass for a moment, shaking the leaves and branches from your Pelt as you right yourself, looking back up the gully where the doe had vanished and chuckling to yourself a bit. That was fun! Looking around though, you realize you're not alone. A stunned Coyote looks back at you and blinks in suprise. "Well thats one way to make an entrance, I suppose." He chuckled as he crouched back down to tend his fire. -You've found Coyote the Cook!- He's offered you a meal in exchange for some company and 2 pinecones -You've been offered a meal!- Fire Roasted River Trout +5HP +5Luck In exchange for 2 pinecones and 2 turns talking with Coyote

Moth You decide to follow the death horse, perhaps thinking to test your fate or prove something. She sniffles around the trail ahead for anything Rotten or growing, and is indiscriminate with the plants she eats, even taking a couple bites our of one of the trees next to her. -You May- Attack the Death Horse (Silver Dagger) Sneak Around Go Back the Way You Came


Adira The canine studied the coyote and deemed him safe. She appreciatly accepted his offer and made herself comfortable by his little campfire.

Moth You decide to sneak around the horse, not wanting to quarrel with it. It still has no idea you're there and you easily slip past it in the undergrowth. Ahead of you, there is a path through the trees, a small gametrail and... oddly, a path that is completely cleared of trees in a straight line. It confuses and intrigues you at the same time. -You May- Head down the Straight Trail Head down the Gametrail Explore the part through the woods

Adira You sit down with Coyote and quickly he presents you with a filleted salmon on a leaf plate, seasoned to the nines with beautiful grill marks where he'd fashioned a holder for it over the fire out of sticks. "Are you lost out here? Or just on a quest for one of the triplets?" He asked genuinely, his voice gruff, but a smile on his face as he listened to you and worked on his own food at the same time. -Youve earned +5HP and +5Luck and spent 2 pinecones!-

Adira "I'm on a quest for Yore, heard there's been a nasty gator at the swamp. I'm supposed to bring him it's hide," she replied with her mouth half full of fish, "you're welcome to join me." The canine laughed playfully, and swallowed the rest of her food.

If he wasn't preoccupied hunting for cheetahs, the well might have been worthwhile to investigate. However, Evan suspected he wouldn't find any down there. Turning away from the well, he checked his surroundings once more before making camp. He pulled out an old leather journal and began writing.

Adira "Oh, the swamp! I just came from near there to trade Trout for Catfish. Its to the West right now." He explained, then perked his ears at your offer of company on the road. Coyote seemed to weigh the offer, though he was obviously surprised. "That might actually be really fun... I wouldn't want to impose, though. And I've never been much help in a fight." He said as he finished cooking his meal and began eating, covering his mouth with a paw as he spoke. "I won't keep you ang longer, but if you wanna wait for me to break camp then I can try to lead you back toward the swamp. Can't promise it hasn't move by now though."

Evan You set up your bag tarp over your head to provide some shade as you sit down to write in your journal. Your pets play for a bit in the water. Then quickly join you and fall asleep at your side. -You will now be Optionless until you break camp-