
Astroya You set off Northward, the cracks and creaks of the forest filling your bones with dread as you trot forward. You nearly walk past it when you suddenly notice a small cart tucked up against a tree. It's covered in ruined papers and several broken beakers, and seems like an old research cart. -You May- Continue North Investigate the Cart Pick a new direction


She notices the old cart as she continues on, stopping to look over at it. Interesting... Broken beakers and ruined papers are visible, peaking Astroya 's curiosity. She decides to check it out and starts walking up to the old cart.
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It was only natural that a place like this would get its water from underground. If there was anything natural about the Rotten Savannah to begin with, that is. Evan pulled out his canteen and topped off his water. This might be a good spot to take a break, but he wanted to clear their surroundings first, starting with those yellow trees.

Moth You decide to harvest some lavender quickly, making sure to keep an eye out over your shoulder. Your perception allows you to hear footsteps behind you, and you quickly Duck behind a large Sage bush to hide. A massive Death Horse comes trotting up to where you just were, and munches on the remainder of the lavender before leaving once more. -You've earned 3 Lavender!- You come out of the bush once you're sure the horse has passed, and weigh your options again. -You May- Return to Glowmire Follow the Death Horse Explore the Tundra

Astroya You decide to take the time to look through the small cart, sitting down in front of it and carefully sifting through all the cabinets and drawers for anything useful. -You've found the following- Magnifying Glass "Insects of Glowmire" by Goldi Jorden Netgun Nets (3) Insect Net You take another moment to make sure that that's all there is before deciding what to do next with a step back. You Notice the tires of the cart art in a small, overgrown trail that you could follow. -You May- Stop and Read Follow the Cart Tracks Continue the way you were going

Evan The yellow trees are definitely the weirdest part about the oasis... as when you get closer, you realize they're whispering aspens. And they certainly don't belong in a hot place like this... It's definitely weird, but after looking through them for quite a while, you conclude that there really is nothing of note about them other than the fact that they're there. (Making camp is entirely up to you, I will just let you know what happens as you go and what you find ^^)

Adira Start Bleeding Biters 115 HP As you leave the safety of the town once again, you're greeted with silence and terrifying cracks, unlike last time where you had the comforting voices of friends. It sends a shiver down your spine... You shake your head free of the feeling, though, and press onward. -You May- Head North Head East Head West

Adira Returning to the forest was very notably different without the party, but it did come with some ease knowing that she was now only responsible for three lives: herself and her pets. She hated knowing that any of her companions could've gotten hurt by the fight, but knowing won't prevent, and she would definitely join a party again. Go East

Adira You decide to head East, not sure when or where you'll encounter the Swamp you're looking for again. As you walk, something stirs inside you, and a wave of exhaustion passes over you as you step through a line of trees. Dispite the massive meal you just ate, it's as if something stole it completely, and you're struck winded with hunger pains. Nothing a handful of jerky won't fix, but still... it's odd. You chew on a piece of jerky to rid yourself of the feeling as you come to a fork in the trail. -You May- Follow right trail Follow left trail Explore off trail