
Rocky You quickly step forward and dispatch it humanely, before untangling it's body from your net and putting the creature in your bag. -You May- Return to Glowmire Continue Exploring

Rocky-canine After putting the body in his bag , he looks around , not seeing anything else but snow and a few trees. he decides to return to Glowmire
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Tanky Wolves said: Haily Snowstorm Join!
Hello! I'm sorry, you cannot just jump in! If you'd like to join us, check out the rules and sign up process here! Edited at August 24, 2024 06:09 PM by Sunset Ghosts

Rocky End Infected Ermine 170 HP Earned Scar on Left Forepaw "My Time in The Rotten Forest" by Nazir Razor Compass Odd Smelling Fertilizer Snip Shears (This tool will increase your yield when harvesting wild plants!) Mortar and Pestle Basil (3) Garlic (3) Rosemary (3) Truffles (3) Parsley (3) Thyme (3) Polar Flower Crown Infected Ermine Corpse

Moth You decide to continue exploring, and you leave the camp circle in peace as you trot away through the Tundra. You're about to pick a direction to go when you nearly step on a small patch of flowers. -You've found some Lavender!- It's a large patch and seems to be supporting a local bee population. It amazes you that they can work in such cold. -You May- Harvest Lavender Explore to the Mountains Explore to the Foothills

Astroya finally leaves Glowmire and enters the forest for this quest. From what she knows of regular porcupines, they live in wooded areas and nowhere near seas. So the cliffs and sea seemed out of the question to her, leaving the Rotten Forest as her only option. 'Well, I better get a move on. I've already lost a bit of ground..' She sighs to herself and starts a slow trot forwards.
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Astroya Start Spiked Hell 105 HP You head out into the Rotten Forest, thinking the Porcupine would be somewhere around the trees. However, you have a vague memory of Yore telling you it was a much larger procupine and that they could be found in the Savannah. You decide you'll just hope for the best and bring him whatever you find. It's not your fault if he wasn't specific. -You May- Head North Head East Head West

Looking around as she continues, she vaguely recalls Yore saying something about a Savannah. 'I wonder what direction I need to go to find this biome..' Astroya ponders, slowly coming to a stop as she is stuck in her thoughts. She shakes her head when she realizes she's halted and decides to continue North. Maybe the she'll find the Savannah in this direction. Edited at August 25, 2024 03:06 AM by Night Shade
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