
*she signed* does Sylvester know? i'm guessing not but still *Lunarious came out and greeted it, asking if it was Irene's guardian* (you can decide the gender for her guardian, i'm thinking female, but it's your choice)

(Yeah, female sounds good.) It nodded. "I am." It signed, it later revealed it's name to be Kirsten.

*Lunarious seemed excided and started up a convorsation while Star informed Irene about what she had learned, and also let Sylvester know via their mental connection so he wasn't getting upset when he noticed her*

He nodded as Kirsten seemed excited enough to talk to another guardian.

*she seemed interested but didn't even try to keep up as she laid back and thought*

As Sylvester lauched himself in the air again, he smiled at Kirsten and she gladly returned it. She huffed as she appeared to Irene. She looked like Sylvester's age but instead, her hair was light blonde with dark blue highlights in her hair as her hair was up in two waterfall braids which clung to each side of her head. She had two marigolds in her hair and had a white dress on. Her green eyes stared into Irene's, smiling as she started to braid Irene's hair.

*Star smiled and made some marigolds so she could put them in Irene's hair if she wanted to*

Kirsten smiled as she watched Sylvester with a glint of amusement in her eyes.

(i'm doing this rp and 2 others right now lol) *she watched then felt Lunarious doing her hair, making it into a braid and tucking little moon flowers into it, making it look like they were blooming right out of her hair, making Star laugh gently*

Kirsten felt happy as Sylvester obviously was trying to show off.