
Moth You follow the cool ground, soon stepping off the hot rocks onto solid stone... then snow! You've found the Rotten Tundra! You look around the beautiful landscape and breath in the crisp cold air happily. -You May- Head to the Mountains Explore the Tundra Head to the Foothills


Moth You decide to explore the Tundra, heading out onto the snow with a smile. Ahead of you, you see a massive snow Owl, gingerly glide down to the snow and pick up a little mouse before fluttering off again. However, as soon as it lifts off again, a massive Crack in the glaciers under your feet can be heard, and you carefully avoid where the sound was. Ahead of you there's a small gametrail dredging through the snow, a little creek that feeds through the valley, and a way up onto the foothills. -You May- Follow the Creek Follow the Gametrail Head to the Foothills


Moth You follow the gametrail, curious to see the animals that follow it. Almost as soon as you found it and followed it, the gametrail begins dissapearing in the snow, the falling flakes becoming more and more thick. Blizzard! The wind and snow chill you to your bones, and you look around desperately for a place to hide. Ahead of you, there's a tree, a snow drift and a small light off in the distance, but you can hardly see in front of you. -You May- Hide under the tree Dig into the snow drift Trudge toward the light


Moth You vouch to hide under the tree. And it works for a while, the snow flurrying around you but staying away from your body. That is, however, until the branch above your head snaps with the weight of the snow on it, dumping 10 minutes worth right on your head. You feel the cold sapping your energy as you think of what to do now. -You May- Stay under the tree Dig in the snow drift Head for the light

Rocky- canine Once he spotted the herd of musk ox " I wonder if I could tame one " the wolf thought as he carefully crept closer to the herd
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Rocky The second you take a step toward the Herd, one of them looks up and immediately they all thunder away, dissapesring into the distance on a cloud of snowy powder. Somewhere close to you, you hear a tree crack, and a small snuffling noise. You look over at a collapsed pile of logs with a tilted head and lean in to sniff, when your nose is almost stolen by a little white beastie covered in mushrooms! It hisses at you and then quickly sitters into the thin forest, just as the snow starts up, and you feel a chill to your bones... -You May- Follow the Ermine! Dig under the logs for shelter Brave the storm and continue through the Tundra