
Moth "I think I'm going to explore this place for a bit longer," Moth said, " see you all later," she waved goodbye to the rest of the group and continued on.

Better capitalize on the water while it was here. Who knew when they'd come across some again. Although the well was probably the better bet for drinking water, Evan approached the pool. They would do well to cool off. If the water was safe, that is.

Astroya 85 HP End Mushroom King Earned Immune Boost (From Glow Rat) . Spirit 70 HP End Mushroom King Earned Immune Boost (Glowrat) . Jari 100 HP End Mushroom King Earned Nothing . Adira 90 HP End Mushroom King Earned Immune Boost (From Glow Rat) Fire Resistance (Tali's Potion) Mushroom King Crown Lockpick Dynamite 30 pinecones Pocket Knife (Multitool) Pinecone on a String (Necklace) Cast Iron Pot (Make your Own Stews)

Moth You decide to continue exploring. It's not everyday you stumble into the Lava Lands! As you wave goodbye to your party, you step over the body of the Mushroom King and look straight ahead. It seems you have some options to continue this journey. You May Continue on Ashridden Path Head out onto the Top Rocks Take the trail towards the Volcanoes

Evan You see nothing wrong with the pool, and your pets quickly dive right in! Splashing you as they play with each other in the crystal clear water. As you wade in, your perception picks up a small down current every now and then. You make a mental note of it. It's probably an underground river that runs past the well. You May Make Camp Press On


Moth You decide to head out onto the top rocks, carefully avoiding the rivers of lava that seep through the pannels you walk across. Stopping on patches of sand or shade to cool your paws a moment before continuing. Above you are some scattered, dying trees, and all around you, the ground steams with heat. Suddenly, the sheet of rock under you cracks in two between your paws, and you're forced to make a quick decision as you begin sinking into the Lava below. You May Jump Off the Rock Get to one Side Try to grab the tree above you

Try to grab the tree about you,

Moth You leap to grab the tree above you, Snapping your jaws shut around the branch and swinging off it just as the brittle wood shatters and snaps off. Panting, you quickly trot away from the crumbling ground. Slowly, the ground seems to become cooler, and you're once again presented with a choice. You May Continue on the Top Rocks Follow the Cool Ground
