
(lol indeed) *she smiled then said* yeah, or it's possable you have powers now, their just not showing at the moment because your not strong enough to use them, mine were the same way *she looked at Ves and said* would you mind if i brought her to the arena? i might be able to get a read on her powers

"Yeah, if she's okay with it. What do you say Irene?" He asked. The girl eagerly nodded. "Sure!" She replied. Sylvester smiled. It always made him feel better to see his sister happpy.

*she chuckled then said* ok, lets eat first, then i'll take both of you to the arena

She nodded eagerly. Sylvester gave them both a wide grin.

*she seemed happy as she finished the food*

He sat down, eager to eat. Irene more eager to go to the arena then to eat.

(after finishing food) *she got Irene dressed in a outfit she made for her that was specificly for the arena, and made sure Ves was in his outfit before teleporting them both to the arena*

Irene gaped at the large size of it as Sylvester chuckled. He stood behind her, urging her to go on.

*she chuckled then took her to the power finding section*

Sylvester stayed where he was. Irene eagerly followed, her brown hair up in a high ponytail. To be honest, she looked like a warrior princess. Sylvester chuckled softly as he watched his sister.