
*she startled awake as his meowing then opened the door with a flick of her wrist, allowing him to launch himself onto her bed as usual, then she simply said* wonder who pissed off Thunder

He didn't say anything as he hissed at the lightning and thunder, the fur on his neck straight up.

*she gently picked him up and laid him beside her, stroking his fur to try and calm him down*

Sylvester eventually calmed down as he purred, rubbing against her.

*she hoisted him onto her lap and fell back to sleep, purring a little*

Irene was still asleep thankfully, meanwhile, Sylvester smiled and fell asleep.

(tha next morning) *she stretched then got up, careful not to wake anyone as she went downstairs to make breakfast, her French Toast special, as she called it, for the group*

He woke up smelling an aroma in the air as the cat yawned and stretched, he leapt off Star's bed. He then pushed the door open as the cool sunlight filtered into Star's room.The black cat poked his head into Irene's room, seeing her bed made. He was just about to heave a sigh of relief when he felt small hands pick him up, cradling him in it's arms. He was alarmed for a second before seeing Irene's green eyes meeting his dull, tired yellow ones. She was still in her pjamas. She stroked his fur, completely oblivious to the fact that she was holding her brother. "Aw, how did you get in?" She asked in an soothingly calm voice. Sylvester just meowed. As she carried him downstairs, she saw Star and gave a cheerful smile. "Star! Look what I found! Isn't it adorable?" She asked, looking down at Sylvester curled up in her arms. She didn't seem to notice the mark on his cheek.

*she gently faceslaped herself then took him out of her hands and set him down, silently saying to shift back, then she lightly said* Sylvester is a shifter, his perfered forms being that one and his direwolf form, i myself am also one, though not quite as controled as Sylvester, though i am curious as to your powers Irene, do you know of any? *she looked at Sylvester to indicate she meant the last question to both of them* Edited at October 7, 2023 06:32 AM by Star Tha AOD

He shifted back, smiling sheepishly at his sister who glared at him playfully. "No, I-I don't think so. If I did, I would've known." She answered as she averted her gaze. "Well, maybe you will get them when you get older, I didn't start having mine until I was 11. So maybe wait a little?" He suggested to his sister who seemed disappointed. She nodded. "But you can shapeshift? So cool! Do you use any more forms? Do-" She continued rambling as Sylvester shot Star a look. "See what I have to deal with every day?" He asked Star as Irene put her hands on her hips. "Hey!" She said, pretending to be angry. (lol.)