
*she smiled and said* thanks, i'm kinda shy about them though, you want me to make you a outfit?

She nodded eagerly. But before she said anything. Sylvester and Irene both heard their mother and father's car pull in. Irene's happy demeanor faded as her green eyes were filled with an emotion close to fear. "Quick! Star! Come with me to my room!" Irene said, not waiting for a answer as she grabbed Star's hand, glanced at her brother before racing upstairs. Sylvester was left behind. He quickly scanned the area for any possible hiding spots. His parents didn't know that he was here. But within seconds, he heard his mother unlocking the door so fast, he thought he was screwed. Until he remembered a spot under the couch. He dove behind the couch, holding his breath as the door burst open and yelling could be heard. But this was different. "I can't believe you!" His dad screeched at most probably his mother. "You unfaithful women! You never told me that the kids aren't mine!" He yelled, shockingly not drunk. But Sylvester blood ran cold. "But, it wasn't fully a lie, Sylvester is your son..." His mother replied in a raspy voice. "I don't care! He's a mistake and a son I never wanted!" His father yelled back as his hand slammed on the table. "You never told me that the girl wasn't mine!" He repeated. "What was I supposed to do!? You were gone so I took my chance!" His mother replied drunkly but still seething. Meanwhile, Irene was crying silently upstairs, finally hearing the truth.

*Star was surprised, but the yelling hurt her ears, so she cradled Irene close while covering both of their ears*

Sylvester didn't know how to react. This was both sad and angering him. His left fist clenched as a tear slipped down his eye. Irene hugged Star tightly. After they sort of stopped yelling, his mother went upstairs. "Irene? Irene? Where are you?" His mother asked as she not so gently opened the door. Then suddenly, she spotted Irene hugging Star and rushed over to snatch Irene away while giving Star a look that could kill. "You..." Their mom said, her voice cold, narrowing her eyes as she held Irene with an iron fist close to her. Irene was crying loudly now and trying to break free from their mom's grip. "Let go of me!" Irene pleaded but her mom just ignored her. But Irene was hurting, as her mother was clenching her wrist so hard and her long nails digging into Irene's wrist.

*Star's protective side kicked in as her shadows gently pulled Irene out of her mom's grasp and Star said* your hurting her! *then she crouched beside Irene, soothing her and making sure she was ok, then she picked Irene up and went downstairs to get Ves*

Their mother quickly followed them, screaming insults at both of them. Irene still had bruises that decorated her wrist. She gripped tightly to Star. "Give me back my daughter!" Their mother screamed. Sylvester meanwhile, had been grabbed by his "dad" and the man was gripping him with a tight grasp. Sylvester was angry but he knew if he tried to fight back, it could be considered a crime since he was 18.

*her aura flared, breaking both of their grasps, as she yelled at full volume, with ear muffs over Ves and Irene's ears* THE DAUGHTER YOU ABUSE AND HARM EVERY DAY!?!?!?! I MAY NOT HAVE A FAMILY, BUT EVEN THAT IS BETTER THEN HAVING A ABUSIVE ONE! if Sylvester is ok with it, we will be taking her in at our place

His "dad" yelled at Sylvester after she was finished but Sylvester just gave him a look that said "Hurt me again and see what happens.". His "dad" just scoffed. "Fine, take her but Sylvester will be staying here." His mother yelled. Sylvester got up and stared at her. "I'm 18! You can't make me!" He yelled. "Be careful with your voice, young man." His mom warned. "No, you be careful, mother. You know what I can do." He retorted. His mom looked at him, shocked and angry. Sylvester's "dad" then got more angry and tackled him to the floor. Irene quietly yelled for him. Edited at October 7, 2023 03:26 AM by The Southern Horrors

*Star yelled and shadows lmmeadiatly restrained both of his "parents" and she simply said in her quiet but dark voice that usually meant she was p!ssed* they are both coming, and you won't be changing our minds anytime soon, there's no use fighting, unless you want to see just how far my powers can go?

He gave a her a glance. "Star, I know you care but, let me handle this." He said as he got up, took a deep breath and stared at his parents in the eyes with all his hatred for them. "You can hurt me all you want but never, and I repeat, never hurt Irene or Star ever again. I have no problem with calling the police and Child protective services and telling them everything you have done. And I will make your lives a living hell and you will never see Irene again. Do you f*cking hear me?" He asked, with an insane tone in his voice. Sylvester never really swore but he was rightfully pissed. His parents gulped and nodded.