
*as she practiced she calmed down and she sat down, not understanding the small pang of jealousy that she felt whenever she thought of Audrey and him together and she tucked her legs under the hoodie to where she looked like a bundle of his favorite hoodie and sighed to herself*

"My my, what a majestic sight you are." Sylvester teased as his legs swung down over the broad branch of the tree.

*she didn't hear him because of the ear buds and pulled out her phone, debating calling him or just changing the song*

Sylvester rolled his eyes as he playfully threw a acorn at her, hoping to catch her attention.

*she huffed and turned around, throwing it back and hitting him in the face before realizing it was him* Sylvester! Pain in my ass, how long have you been watching me? *she took her ear buds out then tucked her hands into the pockets of his hoodie that she was wearing*

"Long enough to realize how pretty you are from this angle. And your right, I am a pain in the ass but I'm yours." He teased with a sly smile as he climbed down the tree and walked towards her. "Look I'm sorry for snapping at you like that. I never do that and I know I hurt you. I've just been thinking about some things and I got anxious and I took it out on you. I hope you can forgive me." Sylvester apologized as he scratched the back of his head sheepishly.

*she blushed when he complemented her then said he was hers* yeah you are, and no one will take you from me *she sighed when he apologized then tackled him* i already forgave you, I shouldn't have gotten upset at you

Sylvester laughed as he ruffled her hair. "Don't worry, I forgive you too." He said, trying to get back up.

*she climbed onto his back since she was in her smaller form and wrapped her arms and legs around him* chaos bean but ur my chaos bean (he can remark that she's the chaos bean out of the pair)

Sylvester chuckled. "Chaos bean? Me? How dare you? I think your the master of chaos." Sylvester retorted playfully.