
*a strand of shadow wrapped around him and lifted him back towards the door before he could get too far, a silent request for him to come in and she was curled up on the bed with her wings tucked around her, a mixture of pain and fury mixing into one chaotic form*

Sylvester saw the Pain on her face and although he couldn't relate with her in a way, he felt like the quietness that surrounded them spoke volumes louder then words. He sat down on the bed, his expression unreadable, his eyes staring at the wall as if searching for an answer that could never be solved. Edited at August 3, 2024 01:50 AM by The Local Southerner

she crawled over to him and curled up beside him with her head on his lap, eventually falling asleep and she seemed so relaxed and comfortable when she was asleep, reminding him how beautiful she was [Irene] *she had come up without him knowing, startling him when she spoke softly* you guys really should get married/start dating (I forgot whether Star and Ves are technically dating or not so if they are she said they should get married, if not she said they should start dating. Just remind me when you message next and i'll edit it to fit)

(Oh my god. I am so sorry for the delay. I've been busy lately. And yea, I don't think they are quite dating yet as Sylvester's probably the one contemplating his emotions for Star right now.) Sylvester poked his head up upon hearing Irene as he mock glared at her. "Oh shut up sis. You know I'm not ready for that yet. And plus, this isn't about me. Star has enough on her mind as it is. We all do. The last thing we need is for Star to be thinking about stuff like that." He said, trying to regain control of the conversation, hiding his uncomfortable state of mind.

(It's OK) pretty sure she already is thinking about that *Star shifted as Irene spoke but didn't wake*

Sylvester signed heavily, rubbing his eyes in annoyance. He knew Irene was just looking out for them but at times, it was annoying. "Look Irene, I don't mean to be rude but now is not the time to talk about relationships. You shouldn't be concerned." Sylvester said calmly, his eyes staring intently down at Irene, hoping that she'd take the hint. "Anyways, your birthday is coming up. And I know how badly you want to see mom and dad," Sylvester said before quickly adding to himself "-even if they are assholes..." Sylvester glanced at Star, not wanting to get her involved with his family drama. "Come. Let's go, we need to talk privately." Sylvester said quietly but in a stern voice before walking to Irene's room and quietly closed the door as he glanced at Irene's light pinkish room which was the complete opposite of Sylvester's room as he resisted the urge to gag at how light her room was. But then again, they were siblings and they weren't going to like everything including favorite colors. "As I was saying, I know I don't like our parents and neither do you but their still our parents and you are still under their care for another 7 years. As much as I love you Irene, they'll call the police because they might think I stole or kidnapped you and it's important that you still see them." Sylvester finished as he huffed, worry clear as day on his face. "Plus, you start school again soon." He added with a small smile.

[Irene] *she seemed vaguely annoyed* I don't care what they think and your not getting away with this that easily. I still want you to go ask Star out before you end up losing her, believe me, I know how that feels and I don't want you to go through that *the fact that she has lost a crush was news to Ves but she quickly changed the subject* and school is gonna be chaotic, especially with me deciding to go to you and Star's old school *she held up a finger before he could respond* and before you start fussing, i can handle myself and Star already agreed to escort me there and pick me up when you can't *her current pose, slightly annoyed yet stubborn and confident reminded Ves of both Star and himself* and I know my birthday is coming up, Star's letting me go to you and her's old school as a birthday favor

Sylvester looked shocked for a second before straightening up, his expression a mix of annoyance and amusement. "I...I don't know okay! I know what you mean but...but I can't handle this right now!" He hissed, suddenly snapping before realizing what he had done as he bit on his lip before turning around and walking out of her room without another word. He hurried down the stairs and out the door, shape shifting into his cat form before racing away from the house, his fur glistening in the afternoon sun.

(Finally we're both on at the same time!) *she sighed* looks like I get to plan a date for them, oh well (time skipping) [Star] *she woke up a bit later and sighed, going out to the balcony and tapping into the mental link* VES! Where the fuck are you? [Irene] *she had been planning the date* hmm, now just to get them both there, that could be tricky unless I use the link to my advantage but how to make sure they don't check it?? Hmm.........

Sylvester felt Star trying to reach him but he only huffed as he continued to walk around. He teleported back to the human world. He needed to calm down before he went back. "I hate this.." He muttered before padding along. Eventually, he became bored and transformed back to human form, near a crowd of people. He took a deep breath, straightening his hair before he felt a soft hand on his arm, holding him back as he whipped his head around to see a bunch of girls giggling nearby, giving him flirtatious glances as he muttered. "Fuck..." He dead panned himself before they came over to him as he put of a facade of indifference.