
she smiled as she fell asleep, basically being a sleepy bean (i need drama)

Sylvester eventually fell asleep as well, his hand on his face as he slept. He was a light sleeper and occasionally let out a soft purr.

*Irene smiled and laid a blanket over them both then went to bed as Star shifted in her sleep*

During some point in the night, Sylvester woke up, still reeling from his dreams. He never usually woke up unless something happened or he heard something. He shifted in his bed into a upright position. He saw Star fast asleep next to him, a sight that never faltered to warm his heart as he smiled. He reached out his hand as if to wake up but stopped short a few inches from her shoulder. He didn't want to disturb her. He quietly padded out of the room, his senses on high alert. The hallway was long and dark, and now had a disturbing aura about it. He couldn't put his finger on it but something felt...off. Too quiet. He walked at a brisk pace, his footsteps quiet.

*Irene was in her room but sensed something wrong so she couldn't sleep and was pacing a little*

Sylvester continued walking, now fully alert as he glanced behind him sometimes.

(Whatcha planning?) *Irene teleported to Star and curled up next to her, worried about her brother*

Sylvester crept down the stairs before he heard another crash, this one louder than last. He heard a voice, much like Star's father's voice and his blood ran cold. The other voice was that...guardian that had tried to kill him and take away his shapeshifting powers. And then it hit Sylvester like a brick to the head. Star's father and that guardian were working together. Although Sylvester couldn't understand the language they were speaking in, he heard Star's name being mentioned a few times. His blood boiled. After everything. No, Star had given Ares her trust and he was throwing it away and Sylvester, who didn't trust people easily felt angry at himself for trusting Ares in the first place. Suddenly, he heard Ares's voice. "What was that? I feel like we're being watched." Ares spoke as Sylvester silently cursed to himself, transforming into his direwolf form, his black paws blending in with the dark around him. If either Shadious or Ares found him, his shapeshifting would be gone.

*Irene sensed something wrong and woke Star, who teleported to Ves in her cat form, immediately tensing when she heard Shadious and she gave a low growl that was half pissed half hurt when she heard her dad's voice, seeming to understand what they were saying* (lol I asked for drama and you delivered)

Sylvester looked at the cat who was Star, by his paws, peeking into the room. It was funny actually, to see a cat narrow their eyes so much even for Star.