
*holds him close, not responding and he realized she was bleeding but couldn't feel it*

Sylvester gave her a concerned look "Don't worry about me, i'm grownup." He tried to reassure her even though he knew it was probably best to stay next to her while he was here.

i know, but you know how protective i am of you *she was bleeding from a wound on her back but couldn't feel it sense she didn't feel pain*

"Um..." Sylvester started, unable to say it as he pointed at Star's wound.

(my summer schedule is chaotic so not sure when i'll be on, will answer when i can tho) hmm? she looked oh damn, i didn't realize i was hurt she healed herself and sighed sometimes i hate not feeling pain, are u ok?

"Yes, I suppose so. You just looked worried there for a second." Sylvester replied

(i'm so sorry! i was gonna reply but had to poof and i completely forgot about it!) just doing my job, protecting you *she made sure he didn't have any wounds, pulling him close*

"You flatter me but to be honest, I can tell your thinking about someone or something."

sighs it's nothing, just worried about your safety *she wrapped her arms around him*

"I know something's wrong and i'm not going anywhere unless you tell me." He raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms*