
*sighs* u know me too well Ves *she murmured something to herself* just thinking *this was half-true but she didn't specify what she was thinking about*

He sighed but didn't press the issue further as he nudged his head into Star's neck.

*her ears twitched and she mentally murmured* i'll explain later, i promise Ves

He sighed again, nodding as he climbed off her and sat on a bookshelf, tucking his paws in as he laid down.

*she pouted and picked him up with her tail, making a little fluffy nest as she teleported home and set Irene in her bed then curled up in her and Ves's bed with him beside her*

He purred contently. During the night however, Sylvester heard a small noise from nearby as his feline senses heightened as he carefully crept out of the bed with a soft thump before padding into the hallway, seeing a sliver of movement near the wall. His pupils became smaller as he instictively lowered into a crouch. Suddenly, he spotted a tail going into a hole but in a flash of movement, he caught it. It was a rat but it had rabies. Sylvester quickly let go of it upon seeing the foam on it's mouth. But before he could react, it bit him clean in the neck as he hissed, hackles raising as he clawed it a few times before it finally died. He sighed, picking up in his mouth before disposing of it as he climbed back in bed.

*she woke up at the hissing and perked up, gently cleaning his wound in cat form* you ok love?

He looked up at her, smiling and nodded, despite feeling different now. He felt dizzy and sick. But as he moved, his legs wobbled like a toddler as he shifted back to his human form, his balence more unsteady as he ran to the bathroom, starting to retch.

*she paced quietly in hellhound form, worried about him*

Sylvester coulsn't stop retching, his lungs burning from the struggle.