
*Sylvester smiled at Star, hoping to ease some of her tension while forcing his own tension back inside himself*

*she smiled back, sensing the tension but hiding it* love you

Sylvester slightly blushed but quickly downplayed it, waving his hand dismissively "What...?" He asked, trying to keep the stutter out of his voice*

*she caught her mistake and blushed intensely, making Eclipse chuckle softly*

*Sylvester put his hands over his face, blushing greatly.*

*Eclipse and Angelese started laughing and Star flipped them both off, revealing just how bad she was blushing but they only laughed harder* (that's one way to make drama i guess)

*Meanwhile, Irene, Sylvester's sister, looked up at Star innocently, mimicking Star's action as Sylvester looked at his sister, wide eyed "Hey now! That's very rude Irene! You should never do that!" Sylvester scolded, trying to keep the laughter out of his voice*

*Star chuckled* well, only to people you hate *she smiled* you have my permission to flip off Alexander, he deserves it *she turned back to Ves* i'm sorry, i forgot the bean was here

*Sylvester shot Star a fake warning look "Not you too! You should be setting an example for my sister!" Sylvester growled, before laughing again*

*she gave a fake pout "i am, that it's ok to do it to those who deserve it. do you have a problem with being blunt?" she taunted him gently then chuckled*