
Adira Adira's nose twitched in disgust at the maggots and left them be. She headed towards the fire place to scout out for anything else.

Rocky You head up to the cabin, and realize it truly is a skeleton. There's no floor other than a foundation, and the corner that you saw is the only wall in tact. It seems there's something on the stone foundation though... and something glints in the Mushroom shine under what used to be the porch. -You May- Investigate the Foundation Investigate Under the Porch Return to the River

Adira You head toward the fireplace, and find a nose full of ash that makes you sneeze. Coyote letting out a huff of laughter and avoiding your gaze at the cute sound. However, there's some useful things here as well. -You find the following- Firepoker(Weapon)10dmg The Priestess Tarot Card The Hermit Tarot Card Partially Burned Diary There's nothing else of use near the fireplace

Rocky - canine At seeing something glinting under what looks like the porch,he starts to walk towards it to investigate under the porch
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Adira Next she headed towards the couch. Rubbing her nose the way there.

Rocky You investigate under the porch, curious what the glinting is. It's a small statue! A golden Lioness with opal eyes. You wonder what it could mean as you pocket it and make sure there's nothing else around the porch. Golden Lioness -You May- Explore the Foundation Explore the Forest Return to the River

Rocky - canine " wow I wonder what this is from, for it to be here of all places " the blue wolf thought in awe as he put the statue in is bag. " If this was under the porch... what could be on the foundation? " he thought as he made his way to check the foundation
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Adira The couch is covered in ash as well, and its not very useful aside from the cards. However, the small night table next to it is of some interest. -You find the following- Colored Pencils Empty Sketchbook There's nothing else of interest on the couch Coyote stands up and stretches with a little yawn, shaking out his pelt and looking to the door.

Rocky You jump onto the foundation, ears flat and nose to the ground. Almost immediately, you bump into a small nightstand. As well as a bed and a small collection of things that look like they'd arrived recently. Much after the house itself fell. -You've found the following- Diary of Marrli Willy Crayons Stuffed Bear Coloring Book You back away, saddened by the obvious scene of a child lost out here. -You May- Scout the rest of the cabin Explore the forest Return to the river

Rocky - canine " this forest is already dangerous enough for adults never mind a child " he muttered in sadness as he pocketed the items " hopefully they at least made it out alive " he thought with a small shutter. he quickly moved on to scout the rest of remains of the cabin
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