
Rocky You sit down and mass cast your line. Hoping to be quick about this one. -Your 10 small bait catches you the following- Spotfin Shiner Creek Chub Brown Trout River Eel Yellow Bullhead Small Fish Brook Lamprey Longnose Dace Small Fish Spotted Bass Your Fishing trip bagged you two small fish, which can be used as large bait. -You May- Cast One Mass Cast Pocket them and move on

Rocky- canine bagging his catch, he picked up the two small fish and proceeded to mass cast them, curious what they would bring in
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Rocky You happily mass cast your 2 small fish. -They catch you the following- Taimen Paddlefish You look at the paddlefish in awe... these fish are considered extinct in the world you come from. -You May- Continue Upstream Search for more bait(dig for worms) Explore the Forest

Rocky - canine excited with catching the paddlefish , he quickly puts it in the bag with the others. Fueled by excitement from the last catch , he promptly starts to get his paws dirty by digging for worms
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Rocky You dig in the mud for quite a while, stopping every now and then to listen to the water and listen for the alarm. After digging several small holes along the bank, you happily come up with some more bait. Worms (3) Grub -You have 3 small bait and 1 large bait!- -You May- Mass Cast Cast One Pocket and Continue

Rocky - canine happy with the bait he managed to dig up, he quickly mass cast it
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Rocky You mass cast your line, looking down at the water wondering what you'd catch now. -Your 3 small bait catch you the following- Creek Chub Creek Chub Brook Lamprey -Your Large Bait Catches you the following- Giant Barb -You've run out of bait!- You back away from the water and leave the fishing pole where you found it turning to decide what next. -You May- Continue Upstream Cross the River Explore the Forest

Rocky - canine Happy with the amount of fish he caught, he turns and looks at the forest. " exploring it for a few minutes might be fun " he thought as he walked closer to the tree line to see if there was anything interesting
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Rocky You venture a small distance into the forest, taking a look around. There's not much at first, a small gametrail is all you can see. But through the trees, you suddenly see the outline of an abandoned cabin! You can only see the edge of it, so you're unsure of the structure is at all sound at all. -You May- Head to the Cabin Follow the Gametrail Continue Upstream

Rocky-canine seeing the outline of the cabin, he carefully makes his way towards it to see if it holds anything interesting
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