
Adira Adira Shivered at the sight of the insect. She watched his many legs, undoubtedly mesmerizing but mainly disgusting. Her body fliched back with her fur crawling upwards. The canine studied the situation, letting Coyote pull her in closer. She noted his casualty, probably to prevent a fight with the drunken creature. The canine as well decided to play it cool, trying to hold back any instinctable snarls or growls. She forced a smiled towards the millipede, fighting her quivering lip, and hastily trailed Coyote.

Adira Coyote is successful in pulling you away, and the millipede sighs and returns to his little area. "Oooooh alright... next tiiime!" The creature calls after the two of you. "Sorry about that. You step on anything?" Coyote says, stopping once you're far enough away and lifting up each of your forecast to look them over before looking at your face and quickly looking away again. "H-hes mostly harmless. A chef like me. He just uses insects so they call him the Cannibal. However, he won't pass up the opportunity if you step in one of his traps." He explained

Adira "He's still creepy nevertheless," she shivered, "I hate bugs. They have too many legs, and the way they move just freaks me out."

Adira Coyote chuckled and stood up to continue with a nod. "I agree. But it pays to know who your friends can be out here." He said as the two of you continued east. You soon come to the end of the island you're on, and are standing in ankle deep water. Looking across the strech of Swamp, you can see the cabin from here! Coyote looks out across it with you, and flattens his ears as he looks to you. "What do you think? Straight across?"

Adira Gary would be a last resort. Her ears twitched back but quickly perked up when Coyote turned around. "Might as well" She grinned and stepped first into the water, holding her head high to avoid as much water as possible.

Adira Coyote follows along, a look of discust crossing his face as the water rises to his his and over his back. But he keeps his head high as well and quickly swims across with you. You swear you can feel something grabbing at your paws, but you happily make it to the other bank before you find out if you're right. And Coyote soon follows. Shaking his pelt out and looking back at the water. "Gross... I think it's just Kelp but it always feels like someone's trying to grab me." He voiced, before looking up the small hill at the cabin

Spirit nodded his head. "It'll be good to stay close to the water." He looked back at the bridge.

Adira She shook her fur gently to avoid much pain, before bending low to lick the gunk out of her paws. The canine spat out to rid of the fishy flavor which was now pasted in the back of her throat. Her snout raised in disgust but she chose to ignore it, "Well here we are." Her tail wagged anxiously as she approached the small building.

Adira You approached the small building carefully, not wanting to disturb anything hiding inside. A dense fog falls over the island as the two of you make your way up the porch stairs. Coyote pushes the door open for you, and steps inside ahead of you to be sure he'd take the brunt of anything bad inside. However, it's simply silent, but there's a rotten smell inside... "I don't think we'll find The Black Cat in here... but... whoever that is may have left something useful." Coyote says, pointing to the sorce of the smell, a body draped in blankets on a cot in the corner. The cabin holds a large desk like table with envelopes and quills, as well as a small kitchen area. There's of course the body on the bed next to the nightstand, along with a fireplace and couch. Coyote looks uncomfortable as he sits down next to the door to wait for you, looking up at every creak and groan from the house.

Adira After nearly gagging, Adira decided to poke around. She went for the table with quills, avoiding the bodies by keeping her distance from them.