
Adira "Oh! Coyote are you alright?" She quickly responded at his mild distress, inspecting to make sure her wasn't hurt and finding he was fine. She laughed with him and shrugged, "Rather not miss an opportunity." The canine swung the pole and planning on mass casting.

Adira Coyote blushed and moved his face away from yours, embarrassed as you looked him over, before nodding and laying down in the grass behind you as you took a while to fish, killing whatever you catch and stashing it in your bag. -Your 10 bait caught you the following! Krayfish Mosquitoefish Bullshark Krayfish Oyster Darterfish Darterfish Catfish Clam Gar Coyote laughed as you finished up and sat up, thumping his tail on the bank again. "What a haul! Now what? I think I can cook us something with these if you want."

Adira "I wouldn't miss the opportunity for your food," she smiled reaching in the bag for both of the krayfish to offer to Kenny and Mayo.

Adira You offer the krayfiah to your pets, while Coyote picks out the two Darterfish for the two of you. He quickly pitches together a small fire, and digs in his bag for some sticks and twine and his knife. Quickly, he fillets and cleans both fish, then wedges both cuts of meat between a webbing of sticks, before placing both over the fire and waiting. The smell soon begins to taunt you, and you find yourself watching him finish with your belly rumbling. He adds a bit of seasoning from his bag, before offering you your share with a big grin. "Lunch is served!" -You've been cooked a meal!- Open Fire Darterfish +5HP +3Speed Used 2 Darterfish

Adira Her mouth began to water at the smell, before getting her food. "Thank you," she grinned at Coyote before digging in.

"Let's get you to Yip" Evan told the cheetahs, preparing to make the trek back to Glowmire.

Adira Coyote nodded, his mouth full. But he was clearly happy to cook for you. "Anytime!" He said as he finished up, breaking down the fire and putting things back in his bag as you finished up.

Evan End Cheetos 125 HP Earned Cassidy the Wild Dog Cub Photo of Java and Joov the Chefs "Delecacies of The Rotten Forest" by Java and Joov Rangers "Cooking WITH the Rotten Forest" by Java and Joov Rangers Distressed Journal Golden Spatula Cast Iron Pot (Make your Own Stews) The Butler's Token 2 Caged Cheetahs -Returned to Glowmire-

Adira Satisfied, Adria licked her chops. "Alright," she stood up wobbling slightly, "Time to head east."

Adira Coyote nodded and followed after you, jumping to your aid whenever there was a tree branch or bush in the way. Suddenly, you notice a sign in painted red that reads "Gary the Cannibal" -----> You look to your right and jump back in fear at the sight of a massive millipede who's looking at you intently. "Oh, hey Gary." Coyote said, casually as he came and stood by your side again -You've found Gary the Cannibal!- He'd offer you a meal, but seeing that you're with Coyote, he doesn't even bother. "How you doin' Mutt? Seems like yesterday I saw you last!" The millipede giggled drunkenly. "It's was, Gary." Coyote replied, using his tail around your haunches to slowly pull you forward. "You outta stay a bit! Catch up with me, ol buddy ol pal! Cmoooon" The many legged creature scuttled after the two of you, stumbling a bit in it's giant size. "Nah, man sorry. We're in a hurry." Coyote said, nudging you along slowly and hoping you'd back him up and continue forward. Edited at September 2, 2024 10:01 PM by Sunset Ghosts