

Adira The canine's ears perked up, "of course man!" Her tail wagged excitedly, thumping against the ground.

Furred Fury Party You decide to continue upstream, hoping the wolves can sort things out themselves. The two of you see and hear a couple fish flop in the river as it calms down from the whitewater. This strech is quiet, and you see a small snake swimming along after the fish trying to catch them perhaps. You make your way through a bed of cattails and are suddenly assaulted with a Swarm of dragonflies. Flattening your ears against them, you then watch in awe as they raise up in the air before dispersing across the water... as well as landing on the bridge that now lays across the river ahead of you. -You May- Cross the Bridge and Continue Upstream Cross the Bridge and Go into the woods Continue Upstream

Rocky -canine looking at the bridge, not seeing anything amiss, he turns to look at spirit "should we cross the bridge and continue upstream from that side? "He asked
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Moth 25 HP Contracted Mushroom Fur Return to Glowmire Earned Art Supplies Bandit's Diary Flashlight Pinecone on String (Necklace) Bowl of Maggots (Fishbait) An Icepick 20ft of Rope A Bear Skin Blanket "Serenity of Snow" by Panthera Whire A Bag of Frozen Meat Chunks (3) A Bag of Frozen Fish (3) Lavender (3) 140 pinecones -Returned to Glowmire-

Adira Coyote's tail thumped against the boggy ground, and he giggled and gave a little play bow. "Awesome! I can cook for us and I can maybe even help us find The Black Cat." He looked up at the trees and scanned the horizon. "I'm sure she's already watching us." There was quite a bit to the island you were sat on, and you could easily explore there. Wading through the water was also an option... and it seemed there were a few trees that may be possible to climb. Other than that, you'd be swimming and Wading between islands.

Adira The canine laughed, and joined Coyote in scanning the environment. After getting a look, and deciding not to get her fur soggy just yet, she scampered over to some trees and slowly pulled herself up to get a better view.

Adira Coyote rushed over to help you, and allowed you to use his shoulders to bring yourself up into the branches of one of the large trees. Getting up as high as you could, you look around quickly. It seems a little further to the north, the bog ends and turns into a large island that you could explore for a while. To the east, you see a cluster of islands, one of which has a small cabin on it. You cannot see any further west without getting higher. "Anything interesting?!" Coyote called up to you with a tilted head, his tail wagging

Adira "There's a cabin to the east!" She called downward to Coyote, "it's by a cluster of islands." She clambered down trying not to step on Coyote's face.

Adira Coyote laughed as he helped you back down, before trotting across the island to the east. "Should we head there, then?! That sounds exciting!" In his excitement though, he trips over a pushed up Fishing pole! -You've Found a Fishing Spot!- "Owe... I think I landed on the bait box." Coyote said as he picked hooks out of his fur for a moment with a little laugh. -Theres 10 worms on a Hook to fish with- "I suppose we could stop and fish if you know how to use a poll. I always have Nets for the creeks in the forest."