
It always puzzled Sylvester how a girl like Star could always be so brave for others and yet, was insecure. He gave her a reassuring smile.

*she sensed his thought and said* years of hiding my emotions and creating a new one to block how i truely feel *her tone was soothing but also in a matter-of-fact way

He sighed. He found it sort of frustrating that he couldn't hide his thoughts anymore but at the sane time, he knew it was a good thing as well. In it's own way.

(are you popping on and off? everytime i reply it says your off, or is that a setting?) *she blushed softly and said* sorry, i usually only do it if it pertains to me but i understand it, i don't do it often unless something's up *she laid her head on his shoulder, her wing wrapping around him in a soothing way*

(I'm tryin' not to but I may) He smiled as he hugged her. "It's fine."

(just wondering) *she was glad that he just went with her abilities, most got freaked out*

He smiled again as he gave one last pat on the shoulder before going to find his sister.

*she curled up and laid her head on her knees, humming softly*

Sylvester saw his sister playing with Kirsten as he smiled.

*she watched them through a orb and smiled, glad they were safe*