
Rocky- canine looking at the pack of wolves, he was surprised that they were here. " should we cross the river to them? They could be friendly but they could be dangerous to " Rocky spoke quietly to spirit
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Moth You snarl in annoyance and gather your strength before launching yourself, shoulder first at the little church house. Your shoulder slams into the wood, and the whole building threatens to tip for a moment, that is until it flings back at you like an inflatable dummy, slamming into your side and immediately growing a dozen spikes that rip through the wood next to you and impale your body. 2 of the spikes cut you, and 2 of them pierce your body cleanly, pinning you to the tiny building. -60 HP! You screech in pain and panic, using your forecast on the ground to haul yourself off the spikes, flopping to the ground, bleeding. The church rumbles a bit and a cloud of dust pours out from every Crack and out from under it, before the entire structure just crumbles. It seems you've defeated it... but with no reward and at what cost? -You May- Investigate the Rubble Explore the Forest Return to Glowmire

Adira Coyote nodded and adjusted his pace as he continued on. Often looking back at you to lift branches over your head or push bushes out of your path. It wasn't long before the ground began to feel more doggy. However, before you hit the swamp, Coyote stopped again. "Oh..." His voice cracked a little as he looked back at you. "There's a body up there... it's skeletonized, so I really want you to stay away from it." He said, looking forward again as he finished explaining. "The older a body gets out here, the more likely it is to be infected with Mushroom Fur. I'm pretty sure the Healers in Glowmire have a cure for it... but if you let it go to far it turns into the fungal infection that you seen in Death Horses and Rot Hounds." He continued walking slowly forward, pausing at the other side of the clearing to see what youd do once you saw the partial skeleton. She looked like she had been young... from what you could tell, and there was a pouch of pinecones around her neck. But he was right, you could tell that she'd been there for a long time. Her entire right side that was exposed to the elements was clean bone, however there were still maggots all over her face.


Spirit pinned his ears. "Not to be rude to our own kind, but I hate timber wolves..." He murmured quietly as a bad memory rushed into his head. "I say we leave them be." Edited at September 1, 2024 10:59 AM by Rogue Wildfires

Adira "Poor soul," Adira bowed her head to give her condolences. She cleanly avoided the body, not looking for any trouble with any infections. Her chin still pointing downward in respect, and urging to go onward.

Evan You wait patiently for the mother Cheetah to find her Cub, her chirps becoming closer and closer. And you silence Cassidy when she finally emerges from the bushes and looks into the cage at her son. She seems annoyed with him until she realizes there's food, and she immediately perks to attention and begins treading forward. They both seem extremely skinny now that you notice it... The mother Cheetah has little hesitation getting into the iron box, and lays down to happily feast with her Cub on your meat Chunk. -You May- Slam the door shut Offer another meat Chunk Leave them alone Wait longer

Moth With your maimed paw, and 30 HP you decide to investigate the rubble. Pushing aside the pannels of wood and roofing to reveal... a horrifyingly deep hole. You can't even begin to see the bottom and it goes straight down. Luckily... it's only about a pawprint big. Still creepy though. You also find a small pouch of pinecones. -You've found 50 pinecones- You shake your head clear and turn away from the pile of rubble, finding nothing more to do there. -You May- Explore the Forest Return to Glowmire

Astroya ponders her options before going towards the grasslands.
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Evan quickly went to close the cage with both cheetahs inside, not wanting to risk them getting skittish and running off. But to keep them calm, he slipped another meat chunk in the cage, a peace offering of sorts.