

Adira Coyote nodded and seemed to think for a moment. "How many pinecones do you have on you? If we can get to the Black Cat, she usually sells a full heal potion for pretty cheap." He huffed. "Everything in her shop is cheap if you can catch her." He said, then smiled at you with a concerned look. "I won't judge you at all though if you'd rather I take you to Glowmire."

Evan You use your iron cage and fresh Meat to set a trap for the Cheetah you can hear. "Chirp!" "chirp!" You quickly hide nearby in the tall grass, keeping your pets quiet. Soon, a tiny cheetah cub jumps up into your trap! It begins eating your bait happilywhen you hear nearby... "Chirp!" The little Cheetah then lifts his head and calls back. "chirp!" It's mother must be around somewhere looking for it. -You May- Slam the cage shut now Wait for the mother Leave them alone

Astroya You continue through the savannah on your search for the porcupines of this scorched land. In front of you, you swear you see several Frilled worms vanish underground suddenly. You blink in suprise, and stay still for a moment. And soon, the little blue Wiggly friends come back to the susurface. Watching you and wiggling about happily. As soon as you step toward them again, they vanish. And you laugh as you continue on. What a weird Easter egg of this world. Ahead of you, you notice several options. To your left, there's a small photograph, pinned to a bush tree with a knife. The photo is unbleached, but looks like a group photo of 3 young wolves. Next to the bushtree is a path that leads into the lowlying bush forest. In front of you, is the open grassland, the wind whistling through the grass and a sandstorm seeming to brew on the horizon somewhere before dying off again. To your right, more sand. Desert and nothing as far as you can see... -You May- Head to the Bush Forest Go to the Grasslands Stay in the Sandy Desert

Adira Adira smiled "well I like that idea much better!" Her tail wagged happily.

Moth You stick your paw into the double doors of the tiny church, flattening your ears with effort as you reach as far back as you can. You're feeling around for a while before you suddenly seem to wake something terrible... Without warning, something latches onto your paw and attempts to drag you inside, clawing up your arm and tearing through your paw as you screech and struggle to pull your arm out. -20 HP! Your paw is certainly maimed at this point, and whatever has you has a horribly harsh grip around your wrist. You feel your blood dripping from the many wounds it's already given you and you pant as you finally rip yourself away from its grasp -10 HP You fall backwards away from the tiny church, panting as you recover enough to pull yourself away and look back at it. The monster hasn't chased you... but you see two eyes staring out at you angrily before the tiny doors are slammed, leaving you bleeding and alone again. You wince in horror, and look down at your other paw... -5 HP A mushroom has grown out of your skin, and your fur bristles with worry -Your Mushroom Fur has Manifested!- -You May- Try to break into the cchurch Continue down the trail Return to Glowmire

Adira Coyote smiles and thumps his tail against the moss he sits on, a bashful blush dusting his cheeks as he stands up and begins down the path again before looking back at you. "Do you need any help walking? I don't mind at all." He offered, his tail still wagging gently

Try to break into the church

Adira The canine tucked in her chin and blushed slightly at his comment, "I'm fine, I may be a little slower though." She laughed slightly embarrassed.

Evan glanced at Cassidy. All or nothing. He lowered himself in the grass, patiently waiting to see what the mother would do.