
She nodded as Irene quickly sat next to her brother.

*she hummed softly, waiting for him to wake up, since talking to him about her dreams often helped her make sense of them*

Sylvester eventuslly got up as he made a beeline for the balcony.

*she heard him coming and turned to greet him* hey!

"Hi Star. Are you feeling better?" He asked.

*she nodded* a bit *her posture and tone indicated she had had one of her weird dreams she couldn't figure out on her own*

He put a hand on her shoulder. "Another one of those dreams?" He asked.

*she nodded as her smile faded into her unsure look* yeah, but.... this one worrys me, i haven't had one that made me scream as i woke up in years *she looked away but laid her head on his shoulder* plus, Irene heard me wake up for this one so she's worried about me Edited at October 14, 2023 01:38 PM by Star Tha AOD

He sighed. "Don't worry about her, Kirsten will calm her down and she does have the right to be worried." He said.

true, but that's not the only reason i'm worried *she bit her lip as she sat on the railing, facing out*