
Actually, the egg encounter is in jungle. I just unlocked it.

It says that Perception and Luck both help with discovering things while exploring, and so does Wisdom. How are these three different from each other if they all appear to do the same thing? Edited at June 15, 2021 06:24 PM by The Abyssal Pack

Game Moderator Darkseeker
The Abyssal Pack said: @Vennenum
It says that Perception and Luck both help with discovering things while exploring, and so does Wisdom. How are these three different from each other if they all appear to do the same thing? Bit of a late reply. My apologies, I only saw this just now. Luck and Perception help with finding mushrooms and relics. I will be honest, I don't know/remember which one does which, however both are helpful to find mushrooms or find items to sell for mushrooms. Wisdom helps you identify prey during tracking/stalking events, so I guess that counts for discovering something?

hello what cp do you need to help slim with his date?

I believe it's maternal, if I remember it correctly Moonlightpath said: hello what cp do you need to help slim with his date?

Whoops, didn't see the above post nevermind baha ^^" Edited at March 13, 2022 11:19 AM by Excisus