
"OH this is yuki. I got her two weeks ago from this man selling puppies by the water fountain over there." I say pointing in the direction. "As I walked by, I guess she escaped and then she started following me so I bought her." I say scratching the back of my head slightly. "Who's this little guy?" I reach a hand out and scratch the kitten under the chin.

"Oh this little bundle of cuteness is Fire.I named him after my crush I found him a few day ago and just thought of a name he was abandoned by a dumpster so I brought him to a lake and washed him up now he's adorable." I say blushing and look away petting Fire again and watching kids play in the park

I blush and quickly glance away trying to hide it. Yuki then drop a ball at my feet. It was completely covered in slobber and completely not her ball. I throw it out in the feild and turn my attention back to Ace. "I like it" I tell him. Yuki dropped the ball at my feet again before someone came up "oh hey there's your ball bruno" a random girl said hold some kind of rope that a big black and white dog was attached to. "Sorry Yuki took it I didn't know." I say handing the ball back. "No worries" the girl takes the ball before looking down at yuki." She just wanted to play. Bruno doesn't mind sharing. Also you might want to put her on a leash before the police write you a ticket." With that she runs off in the direction she cam with the big dog following behind her. A leash? What the hell is a leash? And who's police and why is he gonna write me a ticket? I shake the thoughts from my head and call Yuki of to me. "So what brings you to the park?" I ask Ace, my attention once again on him.

"Thanks. I'm only here because I come here when I can it's quiet and peaceful." I say and set Fire down." You seem confused about what a leash and who the police are? Your not from this city are you?" I ask many questions cause I'm genuinely curious about how you don't know this yet

"No. Where I'm from there are no leashes or police. Our pets are allowed to run free." It's not a lie. It's just not the whole truth. I can't tell him I'm actually an angel sent down to earth to prove myself. But it isn't a lie. We don't have police whoever that is and our companions trust us and us them so there is not reason to restrain them or tether them in any way. That just seems cruel. "I just moved her from out of town two weeks ago." I tell him

"Oh ok well I don't need a leash the police won't be coming after you anytime soon with how much they see you helping out." I say a hint of love in my voice because I think it's nice that your helping people and animals out

I sigh a breath of relief. I didn't want to get in trouble for anything but at the same time, it didn't feel right taking away an animals freedom. I look down and chuckle a little as I see fire pounce on yuki before they both begin rolling around the grass. "I dont get why more people don't help others. No one would be living on the streets if they just all helped eachother out" I tell you.

"True but people are just different then us." I say and sit on a nearby bench looking at him and smiling." Me and Fire should start going. Bye." I say and pick up Fire walking to a alley and watch the entrance

I wave and scoop up yuki. "Come on girl. Let's go home" I tell her and head down the street towards a small apartment complex. We ride the elevator up to the third floor and get out before walking down the long hallway. Room 328. That's where we were. All the way on the opposite end of the hall from the elevator. I place yuki down. We played a game everyday to see who would get to the door first she always won though.

"Well we should be getting home Fire let's go." I say and pick up the kitten walking down the street to a house and I open the door going inside and setting Fire down." What do you wanna eat?" I ask him and go to the kitchen preparing a sandwich for him