
Is anyone interested in making art for me? I want something sad with palm trees in the background.

Silver Valley Pack said: Is anyone interested in making art for me? I want something sad with palm trees in the background.
you payin'?
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Finnaly I'm back home, so.... have I missed much? No okay

I don't see anything wrong with it, it does look amazing! Ephraim Wolf Pack said: Hullo, thought I'd stop being shy-o and drop in and say hi to everyone for the first time ^^' How is everyone?
Might as well dump some sketches while I'm here since this is an art-based alliance. If you have any tips for drawing canid characters let me know ^^ These are some practice sketches :

Silver Valley Pack said: Is anyone interested in making art for me? I want something sad with palm trees in the background.
i can try my best if you want!

Edited at January 31, 2022 02:09 PM by Quantum.Quattro

no actually i just read ur pack bio Edited at January 31, 2022 02:08 PM by Quantum.Quattro

I think I'm just gonna bookmark this forum lmao


Same here. Also why does making a forum auction give me so much anxiety?? The process of making one is easy enough and the rules truly are simple .-.