
Finished the third and last commission, that was awful, lol, no more commissions for me.

I still have one to complete, then ima take a break for a week

I've been on break for weeks, hope it stays that way :'D Hoarding habit calls- - Good luck on the comms ^^

Guys. I'm gonna be 100% honest with you. I have never used a mood board and i have no idea how to ;-; I just throw stuff on a design until I like it :') the colors are usually random too

Oh dear- - I usually do that, I'm trash at following moodboards/themes, but people give them for design payment so- - Also lots of people use 'em :')

Fusty-Dudget said: Guys. I'm gonna be 100% honest with you. I have never used a mood board and i have no idea how to ;-; I just throw stuff on a design until I like it :') the colors are usually random too
yeah same lol

Program started working agin :'D I did a style test woot-

what would be a good starting bid for a commission auction 🔫 im thinkin of trying that instead of an art shop


i shall wait 11 days for the goose to get to singapore- Weeds said: I will give them to a local Canadian Goose, with my Canadian powers I can compel it to deliver the goods.