
Hey guys! It's been a while. :0 Over Christmas, I was fortunate enough to receive an iPad and Apple Pencil, as well as Procreate. :0 I've been doodling nonstop, but most of the artwork I do nowadays is of humans. So much so that I haven't drawn an animal properly in... two months. :'D Anyways, take this small doodle of Noelle! She's an assistance dog to one of my human characters, who is autistic. Also, Noelle can talk,,, because,,, yeah lmao It's not the best, but... that's okay. :> I hope to be drawing animals more frequently and maybe even draw a little for WP now and again in the near future. :)  (c) 181238 :> Edited at December 29, 2020 11:43 AM by Ciúin.

Ciúin. said: So, since I have nothing better to do with my time, I decided to work on some personal art for now. This involves drawing out Ciúin's family! I've never really focused on his nuclear family or his childhood up until now, and it gives me an excuse to finally show how I envisioned his family to you guys. Once I've drawn each family member (Ciúin included), I'll make a size chart to show you all a nice size comparison, lmao Anyway! Without further ado: meet Ciúin's father, Brost.  Fun fact: he outlives his mate and one of his children :')
Redraw of this dude, from a year ago!



So apparently human art is allowed here now, watch me post all my OCs here at once LMAO These two boys are Casey and Cyril, and their story and arc is what I've been focusing on the most as of late. Also featuring their wonky horses but shush these are are the first horses I've drawn that I'm actually proud of xoxo Here I like to imagine Cyril is talking the ear off Casey while Casey is like shut up shut up shut up someone PLEASE shut this man up oh my god. So uh ,, yeah! Sorry for not posting wheee (c) 181238 :)

Some recent art requests! 😳 

Two familiar boys!! 😳 I decided to do a quick doodle of Breadstick and Ciúin hehe.



Sproot said: A m a z I ng
Thank you! :)

Oops I dipped 💔 anyways some recent doodles! I've been fleshing out my art style a little bit. I'm happy with the rapid improvement I've been making! At least. I like to think it's improvement lmao First up have a little doodle of six characters from one of my stories ✋😫 
Next up are finished drawings of two other OCs I have, their names are Phoebe and Nathan. 😳 all art shown here: (c)181238! :)  

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Sobs bro these are amazing I love how you shade