
I'll sign up as a mentor, too. I know most things involving forums, chat, packs, etc. Maybe I also know of most things in explore, but I have barely explored on this account, so that may not be my strong suit. I did explore a lot on my previous account, but not a lot recently. I've been more focused on staying active in the forums rather than explore. So I could introduce newer players to the forums a bit more and help them socialize around here more. ^^ Edited at December 28, 2019 09:35 AM by p l u t o

I’d be willing to sign up as a mentor! :P I’m not as old as other players, but trust me, as a person who plays WP almost every day, I know quite a lot of things Edited at December 28, 2019 09:17 AM by Br0ken

Thank you to everyone who is signing up! There isn't an official sign up sheet, it's more like you jump in when a newbie asks for help! You guys are all so sweet!

Ide love to help i have been one for a year now and will help only one newbie for now

I'd love to sign up, if we have any newbies that don't have a mentor maybe someone could make a random things where they pair up newbies to mentors and make a list to organize it more

Help! I'm new! Can someone show me tricks on here that will help me save mushrooms?

Frivolous Joy said: Help! I'm new! Can someone show me tricks on here that will help me save mushrooms?
I'll PM ya! I'm adopting Frivolous Joy

p l u t o said: Frivolous Joy said: Help! I'm new! Can someone show me tricks on here that will help me save mushrooms?
I'll PM ya! I'm adopting Frivolous Joy
Thank you so much <3

I can help mentor as well.

I have been on WP for a long while! Id love to mentor!